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Operational News

Operational news about Ssalto and Duacs processing system.

28.05.2020 [ODES] ODES data no more available

Due to a system failure, we would like to inform users that access to ODES data is no more possible.

You will find most of the data via your personal account on the AVISO + FTP :(

Data that can be retrieve on AVISO+ FTP server are :

Recent version of CTOH XTRACKS data. PEACHI data from Sentinel 3 satellite I/GDR Pistach products L2P products (replacing CORSSH products)

For any questions plesase contact AVISO+ Service Desk at[details]

10.04.2020 [L2P Sentinel-3A] redelivery of cycle 54 NTC data

Due to a synchronisation error in the L2P NTC processing chain, the last 9 days of data of the cycle 54 were not generated in L2P. Missing passes were treated and delivered  on 04/09/2020.[details]

09.03.2020 [Saral/Altika] SARAL cycle 135 GDR processed with F-standard

SARAL cycle 135 GDR (from 2019-11-11 to 2019-12-16) has just been released. This is the first GDR cycle processed with F-standard.

The GDR-F includes about 50 improvements, including New Radiometer processing algorithms, Updated altimeter calibration schemes, Updated geophysical corrections, 3-Parameter SSB…

Detailed informations here[details]

27.02.2020 [Saral/Altika] Change to GDR-F standards of Saral OGDRs

The transition between SARAL GDR-T and GDR-F processing standards for OGDR altimer products occured on 26 February (read

Find here information about the products.[details]

13.02.2020 [Jason-3] Core Payload has just been restarted on Thursday Feb. 13th

Jason-3 Core Payload has just been restarted this morning, Thursday Feb. 13th  : -    Poseidon restart at 08:41:40 UTC -    AMR at 08:43:11 UTC -    GPSP at 08:44:36 UTC.   Jason-3 altimetry mission is now operational, starting on cycle 147, pass 237.   First post-SHM OGDRs should be available around 11:20 UTC. IGDRs will undergo a check process before being issued, and should be available next Monday, Feb. 17th.  [details]

12.02.2020 [Jason-3] Safe Hold Mode recovery status

Since the switch of Jason-3 to Safe Hold Mode on February 5th, detailed analyses have been performed on the RAM of both redundant sides of Jason-3[details]

06.02.2020 [Jason-3] New Safe Hold Mode

Yesterday, on February 5th, at 21:00:53UTC (cycle 147, pass 45) , a new Safe Hold Mode was triggered on Jason-3, immediately stopping its measurements.[details]

05.02.2020 [Jason-3] was restarted successfully on February 5th

Jason-3 was restarted successfully on the last visibility (cycle 147 pass 33) : -    POSEIDON at 09:34UTC -    AMR at 09:36UTC -    GPSP at 09:37UTC   OGDRs will start flowing around 11:45UTC.[details]

04.02.2020 [Jason-3] SHM recovery operations are being carried on successfully. Both gyros have been restarted on Feb 3rd with a satisfactory behavior.

According to the recovery schedule, and if it keeps on nominally, Jason-3 should be back in the game on Wednesday, Feb. 5th, around 9:45UTC. The first OGDRs should then be available around 11:45UTC.[details]

31.01.2020 [Jason-3] in Safe Hold Mode on January 31st, 2020

Today, January 31st 2020, at 04:51:17 UTC, during pass 154 of cycle 146, Jason-3 was automatically reconfigured to Safe Hold Mode, immediately interrupting its measurements.[details]

Displaying results 41 to 50 out of 312
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