Latest News
15.02.2008 Variable winds in the North Atlantic Ocean
The North Atlantic Ocean is an area with major variabilities: example viewed with the wind speed and wave heights.
08.02.2008 February 2008 : Altimetry in Mesopotamia
Altimetry can be used to monitor the level of the numerous reservoirs and lakes, as well as the marshes of the Tigris-Euphrates basin.
07.02.2008 January 28 - February 02, 2008 week
- El Nino At Play As Source Of More Intense Regional US Wintertime Storms (sciencedaily , 2008/01/28)
- Le réchauffement de l'eau augmente la fréquence des ouragans (yahoo, 2008/01/30)
On line availability of articles...[more]
30.01.2008 21-26 January, 2008 week
- 2007 a été la deuxième année la plus chaude depuis un siècle (Le Monde , 2008/01/25)
- Conférence de presse "Au fil des pôles" / L'Arctique : un monde en pleine évolution (cnrs, 2008/01/24)
- New radar...[more]
23.01.2008 La Niña, westerly current
A La Niña episode is occuring in the Equatorial Pacific : visualization with the LAS in terms of geostrophic currents.
22.01.2008 14-20 January, 2008 week
- Oslo tire la sonnette d'alarme sur la fonte de l'Antarctique (yahoo , 2008/01/20)
- 2007 was tied as Earth's second warmest year (earthobservatory.nasa, 2008/01/16)
- La Nina Still Going in January 2008 ...[more]
15.01.2008 Six years of measurements for Jason-1
Jason-1 has been delivering sea surface heights for six years[more]