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23.07.2013 15-21 July 2013 week

Et si les méduses contribuaient à brasser l’océan, comme le vent et les marées (National geographic, 2013/07/18)

Le niveau des mers augmenterait de 2,3 mètres par degré de réchauffement climatique  (News environnement,...[more]

15.07.2013 Saral: Synthesis of data quality after public release of the O/IGDRs

After the recent public release of the Saral O/IGDR, this is a short synthesis of the SARAL IGDR-T products data quality assessment over oceans.[more]

11.07.2013 IDS 10th Anniversary

The International DORIS Service is 10 years old in July 2013. The IDS is celebrating a successful cooperation in the geodetic applications based on the DORIS system.[more]

10.07.2013 8-14 July 2013 week

Environnement: la création d'espaces protégés en Antarctique sera débattue à partir de ce dimanche (La voix du nord, 2013/07/12)

Les "continents de plastique" de l'océan, une source de pathogènes ? (Maxisciences,...[more]

08.07.2013 1-7 July 2013 week

Les petits courants marins influencent aussi le climat (romandie, 2013/07/07)

Fin de la mission Jason-1 après plus de 11 années de surveillance assidue de nos océans (CNES, 2013/07/03)

Déclin d'une algue brune sous l'effet du...[more]

03.07.2013 Jason-1 end of mission after more than 11 years to observe the oceans.

After many unsuccessful attempts to re-establish communications with the Jason-1 spacecraft since 21 June, Jason-1 was passivated and decommissioned on 01 July 2013. Further information in the official announcement.[more]

03.07.2013 Saral : integration in Ssalto/Duacs with NRT Along-Track Sea Level Anomalies (SLA) and maps (MSLA)

On 2nd July 2013, Saral data are included in the Near Real Time (NRT) Ssalto/Duacs process and are opened to the users.[more]

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