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01.02.2011 Temporary interruption on Aviso website on February 3rd 2011

Aviso website will be momentarily unavailable due to maintenance on Thursday February 3rd, 2011 between 9:00 am to 12:00 am UTC. Data access services (FTP, Opendap, Extraction service, LAS) will work well. We apologize for the...

31.01.2011 Temporary interruption of the Aviso Opendap access services February 1st, 2011

Aviso Opendap services (data access services as Aviso data extraction service, Opendap, LAS) will be momentarily unavailable due to maintenance on Tuesday February 1st (between 13:30-14:30 UTC). We apologize for the inconvenience.

28.01.2011 Announcement of a Special Issue of Advances in Space Research

Announcement of a Special Issue of Advances in Space Research on Oceanography, Cryosphere and Freshwater Flux to the Ocean.


26.01.2011 17-22 January, 2011 week

2010 : l'année des phénomènes climatiques extrêmes (News-Environnement, 2011/01/21)

L'océan Arctique confronté à la hausse du mercure ! (Greenzer, 2011/01/18)

Le rôle des pôles dans le réchauffement climatique...[more]

20.01.2011 Temporary interruption on Cnes data services January 21, 2011

Cnes data services will be momentarily unavailable due to maintenance on Friday January 21th, 2011 from 4:00 to 15:00 UTC.[more]

19.01.2011 10-15 January, 2011 week

L'année 2010 a été la plus chaude sur le globe, ex aequo avec 2005 (le Monde, 2011/01/13)

El Niño et La Niña seront plus violents avec le réchauffement (7 sur 7, 2011/01/13)

Océan Austral : L'Accord franco-australien sur...[more]

14.01.2011 January 2011: La Niña's in turn to wreak havoc

La Niña is wreaking havoc in the Equatorial Pacific, and has still some stamina to stay on till Spring. Altimetry continues to monitor such phenomena, to better understand and forecast them.

Displaying results 869 to 875 out of 1244
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