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30.04.2008 21-26 April, 2008 week

La Nina and Pacific Decadal Oscillation Cool the Pacific (Earth Observatory, 2008/04)

La glace dans l'Arctique fond "beaucoup plus vite" que prévu (Yahoo, 2008/04/24)

Le fer... ou l'inutile fertilisation des océans (campagne...[more]

29.04.2008 Jason-2 has just arrived at Vandenberg Air Force Base

The OSTM/Jason-2 spacecraft packed in a container onboard a Boeing 747.

April 29, 2008: The OSTM/Jason-2 spacecraft has just arrived at Vandenberg Air Force Base, California (USA), for final launch preparations. Designed and built jointly by  Cnes, Eumetsat, Nasa and Noaa, the OSTM/Jason-2 will...[more]

25.04.2008 Altimetry applications in videos: Tsunamis

Tsunamis are huge waves which can result in devastating waves breaking on the shore. By measuring sea surface height, altimetry satellites can theoretically detect tsunami waves in open ocean.[more]

21.04.2008 The cool Australian eddy has become giant

The LAS enables to show the evolution of the eddy off Sydney. Reappeared in last August, it stretched over 300 km at the end of 2007.

18.04.2008 14 - 19 April, 2008 week

Contract signed for ESA's Sentinel-3 earth observation satellite (ESA, 2008/04/14)

 Thales Alenia Space remporte un contrat pour le 3ème satellite environnemental, Sentinel-3 (Air et Cosmos, 2008/04/14)

L'étrange pause du...[more]

17.04.2008 Altimetry applications in videos: Mediterranean Sea

Observations of the Mediterranean sea by means of in situ or satellite measurements are essential for monitoring, forecasting and managing it.[more]

17.04.2008 Jason-2 : Soon the transatlantic !

April 10, 2008 : the Jason-2 satellite is carefully packed in a container in Thalès Alenia Space in Cannes, France, before taking the road to Toulouse, France. After a pre-ship review allowing its transit by a Boeing 747, Jason-2...[more]

Displaying results 1198 to 1204 out of 1246
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