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30.09.2016 Register now for La Rochelle events!

The upcoming event "New era of altimetry, new challenges" will be held at La Rochelle from October 31st to November 4th 2016.

This major event will embrace 3 related events:

International Doris Service Workshop...[more]

22.09.2016 12-18 September 2016 week

Sea Ice (Earth Observatory, 2016/09/16)

La glace de l'océan Arctique a encore diminué cet été, selon les chercheurs (Radio Canada, 2016/09/16)

El Niño, global warming combine to cause extreme drought in Amazon rainforest...[more]

15.09.2016 5-11 September 2016 week

Une carte interactive illustre le périple des animaux fuyant le réchauffement climatique (Sciences et Avenir, 2016/09/06[more]

14.09.2016 [Jason-2] : Decision to move the satellite to the interleaved orbit

After more than 8 years on its nominal orbit, Jason-2 will move on the interleaved orbit that was used by Topex and Jason-1.[more]

13.09.2016 Jason-3: Integration of the mission in SSALTO/Duacs products

Since September 13th 2016, Jason-3 is now in the SSALTO/Duacs processing.[more]

13.09.2016 21 August - 4 September, 2016 weeks

Réchauffement climatique: Un paquebot de croisière va traverser l'Arctique pour la première fois (20 minutes, 2016/08/22)

Après El Niño, la Niña jette un froid (Libération, 2016/08/23)

« Il faut sauver la mémoire des glaciers »...[more]

12.09.2016 Sep. 2016: The Silent World disturbed by icebergs' noise

Comparing in situ acoustic measurements and altimetry-based iceberg concentration show some correlations with specific events like the calving of B15A and C19 icebergs from the Ross ice shelf in Antarctica.

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