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16.06.2023 07:58 Age: 323 days

Fifth Space for Hydrology Workshop (Hydrospace 2023)

Category: Events

ESA, Cnes and Gewex are organising a sequel joint event to Hydrospace 2021 and EO4Water 2020: The 5th Space for Water Cycle and Hydrology Workshop, Hydrospace 2023.

The European Space Agency, in the context of the "Earth Observations Science for Society" Programme, the Centre National d'Études Spatiales (Cnes) and the Global Energy and Water EXchanges project (Gewex) of the World Climate Research Programme are organising a sequel joint event to Hydrospace2021 and EO4Water 2020: The 5th Space for Water Cycle and Hydrology Workshop, Hydrospace 2023.

Hydrospace 2023 aims at reviewing the latest advances in the use of Earth Observation (EO) technology for water cycle science, hydrology and its applications, exploring the potential offered by the existing and coming EO satellites together with advanced modelling, in situ data and novel technologies, as well as the main challenges and opportunities to enhance our current capacity to observe, understand and predict the water cycle, and its impacts and feedback with human activities and ecosystems.

The ultimate target of the event is to review the state of the art and latest developments in EO for water research and hydrology and contribute to define a community scientific agenda for the coming few years, which will drive future scientific activities of ESA, other space agencies and partners to face some of the main societal challenges of our time.

The Hydrospace 2023 Workshop is open to EO scientists, water researchers and students, modellers, Earth system and climate scientists, industry, operational agencies, policy makers, representatives of local communities and other stakeholders interested in sharing their knowledge and experience and in contributing to drive the scientific agenda for advancing EO water research and future applications.

No participation fees will be charged. Participants are expected to finance their own travel and accommodation expenses. The working language of the workshop is English.


For more information and to stay updated on the event, please visit the event page:


Please submit your abstract(s) prior to the deadline of 17 July 2023


the Hydrospace 2023 Organising Committee.


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