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Monthly mean and Climatology Maps of Sea Level Anomalies

Types of dataset:  Ssalto/Duacs multimission altimeter products. From January 1993 to the last extension of the Delayed-time products, the long delayed-time dataset allows to compute statistical means of  seven variales over different periods of time. Data are created from daily Ssalto/Duacs and CMEMS products. (see product sheet for further information).

The set of variables are the following :

  • EKE (Eddy Kinetic Energy)
  • MSLA-H (Sea Level Anomaly H, sea surface height above sea level)
  • MSLA-U  (Sea Level Anomaly U, surface geostrophic eastward sea water velocity assuming sea level for geoid)
  • MSLA-V (Sea Level Anomaly V, surface geostrophic northward sea water velocity assuming sea level for geoid)
  • MADT-H (Absolute Dynamics Topography H : sea surface height above geoid)
  • MADT-U (Absolute Dynamics Topography U, surface geostrophic eastward sea water velocity)
  • MADT-V (Absolute Dynamics Topography V, surface geostrophic northward sea water velocity)

Three kinds of means are proposed:

  • Monthly averaged  corresponds to the weekly maps of delayed-time data averaging month by month from January 1993. We obtain one file and one map per month since January 1993.
  • Seasonal mean corresponds to the daily maps of delayed-time data averaging season by season. We obtain one file and one map per season (JFM - AMJ - JAS- OND).
  • Climatological monthly are calculated by averaging the daily maps of delayed-time data over a same month from January 1993 up to the last extension of the Delayed-time products. We obtain one data file and one map for each month.

Contents: multimission gridded sea surface heights computed with respect to a twenty-year mean profile [1993-2012], and including the seasonal variability (no annual cycle is removed).

Use: long-term variability, seasonal and climate studies.

Condition of access: please refer to the Licence Agreement

Data access service: these products are delivered through the authenticated FTP and the Opendap

Description: gridded product  in delayed time

Geographic coverage: global (1/4°x1/4°, cartesian grid), 

Format: NetCDF-CF. A quicklook (.png) is also provided for each map.


Monthly mean Maps

Description: Averaged DT data corresponds to the daily maps of delayed-time values averaging month by month from January 1993. 

Copyright : 1993-ongoing CLS

Satellite Distribution media Frequency Data period File weight
Merged please refer to MY AVISO+ 3-4 months  January 1993 - ongoing 1.2 MB per file (zipped)

Seasonal mean Maps

Description: Averaged DT data corresponds to the daily delayed-time maps averaged season by season: January-February-March / April-May-June / July-August-September / October-November-December from 1993.

Copyright : 1993-ongoing CLS

Satellite Distribution media Frequency Data period File weight
Merged please refer to MY AVISO+ 6 months  January 1993 - ongoing 1 MB per file (zipped)

Climatological Maps

Description: Climatological Maps are calculated from the maps of delayed-time data over a same month from January 1993 to the last extension of the Delayed-time products. We obtain one data file and one map for each month.

Copyright : 2009-ongoing CLS

Satellite Distribution media Frequency Data period File weight
Merged please refer to MY AVISO+ 6 months  January 1993 - ongoing 1 MB per file (zipped)
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