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Tuesday 15 March 2011

Project Overview


P. Sengenes (CNES) and
D.V.A. Raghavamurthy (ISRO)

SARAL Project Overview CNES

(SARAL Movie)

SARAL Project Overview ISRO


R.M. Gairola (SAC)

J. Verron (CNES)

SARAL-AltiKa Science and Applications Plan: Status

Session I: General Presentations 


Lambin J. (CNES)

Rajkumar (SAC)

CNES Ocean Program Status

ISRO Ocean Program Status


Rosmorduc V., Lauret O. and Nayak R.K.

Outreach: Helping AltiKa data users

Session II: Instrument Performances

Co-Chair: Mr. Santanu Chowdury, N. Steunou (CNES, France)


Steunou N. (CNES)

AltiKa Instrument: status &  pre-flight altimeter performances


Rodriguez-Suquet R. (CNES)

Radiometer instrument pre-flight performances


Picard B., Frery M.L., Obligis E., Marechal R., Eymard L., Steunou N., Rodriguez-Suquet R., Sengenes P.

Altika Microwave Radiometer Ground Processing Algorithms: Review, Pre-Flight Error Budget & Perspectives

Session III: CAL/VAL

Co-Chair: Dr. R.R. Rao (India), Dr Pascal Bonnefond  (OCA, France)


Mercier F. and Lombard A. (CNES)



AK Shukla (SAC, India)



Bonnefond P., Exertier P., Laurain O and Calmant S.

Absolute Calibration of SARAL/AltiKa in Corsica


Prakash Mehra 1, R.G. Prabhudesai, Antony Joseph, Yogesh Agarwadekar, Paolo Cipollini*, Y. K. Somayajulu, Y K. Vijay Kumar, and Ryan Luis  (NIO)

Comparison of satellite altimeter and sea-level gauge measurements at Goa, central west coast of India


Mertikas S., Daskalakis A., Zervakis V., Tripolitsiotis A.

In-situ calibration of SARAL/AltiKa satellite altimeter using the Gavdos permanent Cal/Val facility in Greece.

Session III-Continued: CAL/VAL 

Co-Chair: Dr. Ajai (India), Dr Pascal Bonnefond (OCA, France)


Cretaux J.F., Calmant S., Romanovski V., Perosanz F., Tashbaeva S., Bonnefond P., Moreira D., Shum C.K., Nino F., Bergé-Nguyen M., Fleury S; Gegout P. AbarcaDelRio R., Maisongrande P.

Absolute calibration of Jason-2 radar altimeter from GPS kinematic campaigns over the Lake Issykkul.


Suchandra A. Bhowmick, K. N. Babu, K. B. Mehta, Rishi Kumar, Abhineet Shyam, A. K. Shukla  (SAC)

Validation of Geo-physical parameters from SARAL/AltiKa using in-situ observations, numerical models and other altimeters


Jacobs, G. and Richman J.

Daily Monitoring of Satellite Altimeter Performance and Time-Evolving EM-bias Corrections


Ablain M., Faugere Y., Dibarboure G. and Picot N.

Global data quality assessment of the SARAL/Altika altimetric system over ocean

Wednesday 16 March 2011

Session IV: Climate and Mesoscale Variability 

Co-Chair: P.C. Pandey (India), Dr F. Durand (IRD, France)


PV Hareesh Kumar, KG Radhakrishnan, Basil Mathew, AR Rao, TN Shyni  (NPOL)

Inter-annual variability of Arabian Coastal Current in the Northwestern Arabian Sea


Lazaro C., Nunes A.L., Fernandes J. , Juliano M.F.

Characterization of the subtropical Atlantic from the synergistic use of satellite altimetry and remote sensing data (AtlantiKa)


H.S.Chaudhari (IITM )K. Salunke, A. Dhakate, S. Pokhrel, S.A.Rao, R. Yadav, S. Saha, C.T. Sabeerali, S.Mahapatra, R. Sharma,  and R. M. Gairola  

Evaluation of Coupled Free Runs of CFS over India using Reanalysis and Satellite data (Altimeter)


Durand F., Maes C. Fudas J.L., Varillon D., Ganachaud A., Gasparin F.

AltiGlideX: Towards a synergy of AltiKa, gliders and XBTs for the monitoring of a boundary current in the Southwest Pacific


Griffin D.,Cahill M. and Oke P.

Extreme ocean eddies off SE Australia during the 2010-2011 La Nina

Session IV-Continued: Climate and Mesoscale Variability

Co-Chair: Dr. P.C. Joshi (India), D. Griffin (CSIRO, Australia)


Rashmi Sharma, Rajesh Sikhakolli, Neetu and Sujit Basu  (SAC)

Mesoscale studies in the Indian Ocean


Prandi P., Ablain M., Faugere Y., Picot N. and Cazenave A.

Contribution of SARAL/Altika to the global Mean Sea Level estimation / Sea Level in the Arctic Ocean from Satellite Altimetry


Mihir K. Dash  (IIT-Kh), Dhrubajyoti Samanta, R. Sharma, R. M. Gairola and P. C. Pandey

Mesoscale Studies in the Northern Indian Ocean During Extreme Summer Monsoon Years


P. Sreenivas and C. Gnanaseelan

Understanding the Bay of Bengal cyclogenesis using altimetry data


C.M. Kishtawal, Neeru Jaiswal and Danish Hussain  (SAC)

Indian Summer Monsoon Variability and Sea Level Anomalies

Session V: Coastal Altimetry/Sea Surface and Bias 

Co-Chair: Dr. B.S. Gohil (India), Dr E. Obligis (CLS, France)


Duchez A., Verron J., Brankart J.M., Fraunié P., Ourmières Y.

Control of the North Mediterranean Current in the Gulf of Lions with an OSSE using AltiKa altimetry in addition to in-situ data profiles


Remya P G, Suchandra A Bhowmick, Abhisek Chakraborty, Maria T Antonia and Raj Kumar  (SAC)

Analysis of Coastal altimeter Products & corrections


Y.K. Somayajulu, Lakshmikant Dhage, Prakash Mehra and Seema Yadav  (NIO)

Seasonal Pattern of Altimeter Along-track Sea Level Anomalies off the Indian Coasts  


Birol F, Delebecque C., Dussurget R., Roblou L., Morrow R., Fleury S. and Niño F.

Regional processing of altimetry data at the Centre of topography of the Oceans and the HydroSphere

Session V-Continued: Coastal Altimetry/Sea Surface & Bias

 Co-Chair: Dr. Dr. A. Sarkar (India), Dr. F. Birol (LEGOS, France)


Testut L., Unnikrishnan, Koch-Larrouy A. and Lyard F.

Tidal modelling of the Arabian Sea


R. K. Nayak, and M. Salim  (IIRS)

Development of high-resolution tidal model for the coastal ocean around India based & SSH Variability in the tropical Indian Ocean: relation with steric heights


K.V.S.R. Prasad, S.V.V. Arun Kumar, K.V.K.R.K. Patnaik, Ch. Venkata Ramu

Estimation of coastal erosion along Visakhapatnam coast using satellite derived and in situ data products


Lefevre J.M., Aouf. L., Bouin M.N., Nuret M., Queffeulou P.

Contribution of the SARAL/Altika mission for sea-state analysis and prediction in coastal zones


R.M. Gairola, S. Prakash, C. Mahesh, B.S. Gohil

Wind Dependence of Specular Microwave Sea Scatter and Slope Distribution: A Sensitivity Study

Thursday 17 March 2011

Session VI: Data Assimilation and Operational Oceanography

Co-Chair: Dr. P.K. Pal (India), S. Giraud StAlbin  (CLS, France)


Sujit Basu, Smitha Ratheesh, Bhasha Mankad and  Rashmi Sharma

Assimilation of Satellite Altimeter Data in Ocean Circulation Model: A Few Examples


Doron M., Beal D., Fontana C, Brankart J.M. and Brasseur P. (France)

Data assimilation in 3D ocean coupled physical-bigeochemical models: state and parameter estimation, using nonlinear extensions of the Kalman filter


S. Dwivedi (AU)

Estimating the Colored Dissolved Organic Matter using 4D-Var


Dibarboure G, Faugere Y &  Bronner E.

Interest of AltiKa'S data to improve the SSALTO/DUACS Multimission Products


Tranchant B., Giraud StAlbin S.,  Lellouche J.M., Greiner E., Bourdallé-Badie R., Drillet Y., Dibarboure G. and Dombrowsky E.

A Global Ocean Forecasting System at 1/12° to predict mesoscale activities


P V Nagamani, M M Ali, V V Gopalakrishna¥, G J Goni¡ and T V S Udaya Bhaskar, (NRSC)

Validation of Satellite Derived Tropical Cyclone Heat Potential (TCHP) with In-situ observations in the north Indian Ocean

Session VII: Ice, Inland Waters  

Co-Chair: Dr. Sushma Panigrahi (India), Dr. J.F. Crétaux (CNES/LEGOS, France)


Mercier F., Tournadre J. and Kouraev A.

Iceberg detection and continental lake-ice thickness estimation using altimeter waveforms.


S. R. Oza  (SAC), M. K. Dash, R. K. K. Singh, A. Shrivastav, I. M. L. Das and N. K. Vyas

Investigations of the inter-annual variations of polar Ice surface characteristics using altimetric observations


Flament T., Rémy F. and Blarel F.

Ka-band observation of polar ice sheets


Calmant S., Moreira D., Silva J., Seyler F., Souza A.E., Santos A.

Inter-comparison of AltiKa and ENVISAT altimetry over rivers at sites monitored locally


Santos Da Silva J., Calmant S., Seyler F., Leon J.G., Filizola N., Ohly J.

River cross-sections using satellite altimetry

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