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Auxiliary products

Auxiliary products are most often satellite altimetry by-products, but sometimes they are combined with other types of data (in situ, tide gauges..).

Mean Sea Surface

Mean sea surface height wrt T/ P  or WGS84 reference ellisoid computed on a 20 years period (1993-2013) with 29 years of altimetry data.
This Mean Sea Surface (also called MSS) corresponds to marine geoid undulations (±120 meters ) and to the "permanent" sea level rise (1-2 meters).

Mean Dynamic Topography

Mean sea surface height above geoid computed on a 20 years period (1993-2012).
The Mean Dynamic Topography results from the ocean mean geostrophic currents

Mean Dynamic Topography

Contains the MDT-CNES-CLS22 for global ocean and the CMEMS 2020 MDTs for Black Sea and Mediterranean Sea

Mean Dynamic Topography

Mean sea surface height above geoid computed on a 20 years period (1993-2012).
This sea surface height is specifically computed over Mediterranean Sea


Global tide

Ocean tide elevations (amplitude, phase), tide loading and tide currents computed by up-to-date finite elements modelling and data (both tide gauges and altimeter) assimilation.

Internal Tide MIOST

MIOST-IT solution is based on an original gridding process using ocean signals modes variability and all altimeter measurements available on the nearly entire altimeter era.

Coastal tide

X-TRACK Tidal Constants 
Coastal tidal constants computed for 73 constituents by using harmonic analysis for long-time series missions. 

Atmospheric Correction

Dynamic Atmospheric Correction
Correction of the ocean response to atmospheric wind and pressure forcing, computed using Mog2D baroropic model for high frequencies (i.e. less than 20 days), and an Inverted Barometer correction for lower frequencies.

Atmospheric Correction

Dynamic Atmospheric Correction dedicated to SWOT Calval phase
Correction of the ocean response to atmospheric wind and pressure forcing, computed using Mog2D baroropic dedicated to SWOT Calval Phase (cut-off 2 days)

Atmospheric Correction

GPD+ Wet tropospheric correction
GPD+ dataset where the correction is computed by combining all available observations in the vicinity of the point: valid measurements from the on-board microwave radiometer, from Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS) coastal and island stations, and from scanning imaging MWR on board various remote sensing missions.

Atmospheric Correction

Wet tropospheric correction from water vapour climate data records
In order to reduce the long term stability uncertainty of the GMSL, the WTC derived from highly stable water vapour climate data records (CDRs) from independent measurements on board meteorological satellites is proposed.

Range latitudinal empirical correction for Jason-1/2/3 GDR

Range latitudinal empirical correction for Jason-1/2/3 GDR
This dataset provides an abacus to correct from the effect of a rounding error in the ground processing of the Jason-1, Jason-2 and Jason-3 missions on the altimeter range estimations.


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