FES2022 (Finite Element Solution) Ocean Tide
The AVISO team is pleased to announce the release of FES2022b (Finite Elements Solution) tidal model. FES2022 has been computed by LEGOS, NOVELTIS and CLS, in the frame of a CNES funded project. The product is based on a hydrodynamic model which assimilates some altimeter data and a few tide gauges.
All information is gathered in the product page and more details are available in the handbook.
The main improvements compared to FES2014b are:
- Improved bathymetry in many shallow waters and coastal areas
- Globally enhanced and refined high-resolution mesh
- Globally enhanced altimeter and tidal gauges datasets
- Improved T-UGO model version for both the spectral and sequential modes
- Improved assimilation ensembles simulations
- Significant improvement in coastal areas
The heights products can be used for any purpose (scientific, commercial,…). The FES2022 currents are not disseminated yet, they will be delivered to scientific teams and for scientific studies on demand. Please contact aviso@altimetry.fr if you are interested. Note that the FES2014 currents are now also delivered for any purpose under the standard licence.
Please note also that it is planned to deliver the ‘finite elements’ version (FES2022c version), corresponding to the native grid of the tidal model, by the end of this year.
The official tidal prediction algorithm, LIBFES, is also provided (link below). Due to various changes in the constituents of FES22b, we strongly recommend to use this open source prediction algorithm rather than generic tides predictions software that were not tested against FES22b.
When using the products, please cite in the text the following : "The FES2022 Tide product was funded by CNES, produced by LEGOS, NOVELTIS and CLS and made freely available by AVISO". CNES, 2024. FES2022 (Finite Element Solution) Tidal model (Version 2024) [Data set]. CNES. https://doi.org/10.24400/527896/A01-2024.004"
A reference paper is in preparation and will be published soon: Florent H. Lyard, Loren Carrere, Ergane Fouchet, Mathilde Cancet, David Greenberg, Gérald Dibarboure and Nicolas Picot: “FES2022 a step towards a SWOT-compliant tidal correction”, to be submitted to Ocean Sciences.
The data can be downloaded on FTP/SFTP/Thredds Data Server. To access data, registration is required. During the registration process, the user shall accept using license for the use of AVISO products and services.
- if you are not registered on AVISO, please, fill the registration form and select the product ‘FES (Finite Element Solution - Oceanic Tides Heights)’
- if you are already registered on AVISO, please request the addition of this ‘FES (Finite Element Solution - Oceanic Tides Heights)’ from your personal account (on page ‘My products’)