SWT 2001 (Solvang, USA)
Here are some posters made for Topex/Poseidon & Jason-1 Science Working Team 2001 meeting.
R. Cheney et al. | Operational ocean surface currents from satellite surface topography and vector winds - pilot demonstration | pdf (82 Kb) |
S. Gille et al. | Ocean currents are influenced by seafloor topography | pdf (8.5M b) |
P. Exertier et al. | Latest News from the Absolute Calibration Site in Corsica | pdf (3.4M b) |
P. Exertier et al. | The Geonauts Inquire into the Oceans | pdf (4 Mb) |
I. Fukumori et al. | The three-dimensional circulation of the ocean | pdf (2.3 Mb) |
B. Haines et al. | The Harvest Experiment: Monitoring Jason-1 from a California Offshore Oil Platform | pdf (5.2 Mb) |
J.M. Lefèvre et al. | Marine meteorology and altimetry | pdf (436Kb) |
P. Polito and T. Liu | Global characterization of Rossby waves at several spectral bands | pdf (720 Kb) |
D. Sandwell and W. Smith | Bathymetry from space | pdf (6.3 Mb) |
M. Srinivasan and L.L. Fu | Topex/Poséidon and Jason-1 formation flying: applications of the tandem mission data | pdf (660 Kb) |
P. Willis and L. Morel | Present Mean Sea Level indetermination coming from ITRF Reference Frame uncertainties on Topex/Doris orbits | pdf (1.7 Mb) |