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experimental Coastal and Hydrology products

Types of dataset: Monomission altimeter product: OSTM/Jason-2.

Note: Following Jason2 satellite Safe Hold Mode in May 2017, Pistach data processing has been stopped. Last data are from May 17th with few passes between July 11th and 13th for cycle 500 when the satellite was on a new orbit. Pistach Coastal and Hydro products remain available from cycle 001 to cycle 327 pass 111.
These products were produced by CLS in the framework of the Pistach project, funded by Cnes.

Contents: along-track altimetric measurements at 20 Hz, corrections to apply, in near-real time made from Jason-2 S-IGDR altimeter products with specific processing, developed by CLS in the framework of the Pistach project.
This first version adopts the same format and structure as Jason-2 standard IGDR to facilitate their appropriation by expert users. Most of the scientifical/technological content of the official Jason-2 IGDR is included (variable names are unchanged). Extra fields derived from the various Pistach processes are then added to the products. Simpler products are also delivered for a wider dissemination (see the regional CoastalDT-SLA product).

Use: coastal applications, operational oceanography (near-real time), environmental monitoring (flooding/drought)

Description: specific product for coastal and continental waters including dedicated processing (retracking of the waveforms) and corrections (wet and dry tropospheric corrections, ...). Improvements of conventional satellite radar altimetry products over these areas lead to more accurate data near the coasts and inland waters.
Users should keep in mind that these products are experimental products. Notably, they are not produced on an operational basis. They are freely distributed without any warranty of any kind.

Geographic coverage: Coastal areas include all oceans and a band 25 km wide over land. Hydrology products include all continents and a band 25 km over oceans.


Copyright : 2009- May 2017 Cnes

Coastal product


Distribution media


Delivery delay

Data period

Data used

File weight


      Please refer to MY AVISO+

every day


July 2008 - May 2017

One pass per file

7-12 MB per pass file

Hydrology product


Distribution media


Delivery delay

Data period

Data used

File weight


        Please refer to MY AVISO+

every day


July 2008 - May 2017

One pass per file

1-5 MB per pass file


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