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SWOT Downstream Preparatory Programme

Unprecedented funding

On French side, SWOT has received funding from the PIA (Programme d’Investissements d’Avenir, Future Investments Programme) because of its great applications potential.

Downstream preparatory program

To support the development of applications, the downstream preparatory program will work on the following topics:

  • Inform the stakeholders about the SWOT capabilities (website, workshop), develop communication strategies to target and support requirements of the user community
  • Develop specific methodologies (new processing methods, adapting existing methods in close collaboration with scientists)
  • Provide data to users (develop simulators to provide representative data of the mission, organize airborne campaigns: AirSWOT)
  • Develop products tailored to user needs, integrating into existing or future systems. On French side, set up a national system of products for hydrology and oceanography (operational development of level 3 products (multi-satellites), archiving, distribution and users services)
  • Improve existing solutions and applications, including in coastal zones: Sea transport shipping, fisheries, the seasonal meteorology (phenomenon El Nino), forecast of extreme events (cyclones, storms) and the monitoring of climatic parameters, etc.
  • Create new environmental services: in hydrology of inland waters (lakes, reservoirs, and rivers) and across the world, thus offering opportunities for water resources management, estuaries, flood risk prevention, the prevention of the propagation of epidemies, etc.
  • Have a free and open data policy: this will strengthen the services with added values in the field of the oceanography and create new services in the field of water resources

To join the French SWOT downstream team: L-swot-aval(at)

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