2019 Images of the Month
Dec. 2019: Mean dynamic topography
Since the first Mean Dynamic Topography dataset disseminated through Aviso, 15 years have gone by with several upgrades issued, and many improvements in quality and in the method used.
Nov. 2019: 2019 monsoon monitored using altimetry
Altimetry enables to follow and understand the sequence of events leading to monsoon onset, in conjunction with other remote sensing data
Oct. 2019: Monitoring an iceberg topography with altimetry
Satellite Radar altimetry can also measure ice topography over huge icebergs thus monitoring their melt and fragmentation
Sep. 2019: Internal tides in the Solomon Sea change with ENSO phases
A better knowledge of internal tides, both coherent and incoherent, is primordial for SWOT altimetry mission. A study in the Solomon Sea shows the complexity in predicting internal tides.
Aug. 2019: Fifty years ago...
Fifty years ago, a meeting took place in Williamstown, USA, where the possibilities for observing the Earth (solid and ocean), including from space, were discussed. Altimetry was much recommended.
Jul. 2019: Increasing wave power
Wave power, taking into account both the wave heights measured by altimetry and their periods has increased globally
Jun. 2019: Modelling the flow
SWOT will provide brand new capabilities for hydrological measurements and studies. Preparation are ongoing, especially concerning the discharge estimation which will be part of the river products
May 2019: Liguro-Provençal current seen by in situ instruments and altimetry
A multidata combined approach is a unique way to obtain a complete picture of a system as complex as the Liguro-provençal current.
April 2019: Pantanal wetlands
Swot will enable to see both the temporal variations and the spatial complexity of the Pantanal wetlands' flooding, the largest tropical wetlands on Earth
Mar. 2019: Focusing on small water bodies
SAR-altimetry mode implemented onboard Sentinel-3 can be further refined so as to reach 50 cm resolution along-track.
Feb. 2019: Sharks in eddies and meanders
Using the physical parameters of the environment, in particular from altimetry satellites, coupled with animal tracking, we can better understand, and thus protect, marine life.
Jan. 2019: From La Niña to El Niño, Aviso Image of the Month 20th birthday!
Wandering through 20 years of Images of the Month on this web site.
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- Dec. 2019: Mean dynamic topography.
Nov. 2019: 2019 monsoon monitored using altimetry .
- Oct. 2019: Monitoring an iceberg topography with altimetry.
- Sep. 2019: Internal tides in the Solomon Sea change with ENSO phases.
- Aug. 2019: Fifty years ago....
- Jul. 2019: Increasing wave power.
- Jun. 2019: Modelling the flow.
- May 2019: Liguro-Provençal current seen by in situ instruments and altimetry.
- April 2019: Pantanal wetlands.
- Mar. 2019: Focusing on small water bodies.
- Feb. 2019: Sharks in eddies and meanders.
- Jan. 2019: From La Niña to El Niño, Aviso Image of the Month 20th birthday!.
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