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SWOT Ocean Data Products

SWOT Level-2 Geophysical data record products and KaRIn Low Rate Ocean data products can be accessed via FTP/SFTP and a THREDDS Data Server (TDS) using AVISO+ credentials. SWOT Level 3 ocean products are also distributed on AVISO.

The services for the products are available via MY AVISO+ personal space.

CNES AVISO FTP/SFTP (with AVISO+ credentials):

  • FTP access:
  • SFTP access: s
    • /swot_products/l2_karin/l2_lr_ssh
    • /swot_products/l3_karin_nadir/l3_lr_ssh

CNES AVISO TDS (with AVISO+ credentials):

SWOT Level-2 ocean products are also available through the long-term archive catalog of the CNES AVISO Data Center. A new platform is now available for the SWOT mission (, accessible directly using AVISO+ credentials (login=email address).

Further information about SWOT Level 2 ocean data products and data access can be found here.

User note about registration:

  • If you do not have a MY AVISO+ account, please fill out the AVISO+ website registration page. During registration, select the following products according to your needs
    • “Geophysical Data Records” for Nadir altimeter and radiometer products
    • "SWOT KaRIn Level-2 Ocean Products" for KaRIn product
    • "SWOT Level-3 Ocean Products" for L3 products.
    You will receive an email containing a login/password with the necessary information to access your MY AVISO+ account.
  • If you have a MY AVISO+ account but cannot access to the one of these products on AVISO+ website, submit a request via the "My product" page and select the product named “Geophysical Data Records” and/or  "SWOT KaRIn Level-2 Ocean Products"  and/or "SWOT Level-3 Ocean Products". You will receive an email of confirmation after accepting the License agreement.



Disclaimer about SWOT Geophysical Data Record products:

February 2024:
Production and distribution of the SWOT NALT and RAD GDR products:
- Datasets are from Cycles 400 to 578 (January 15 – July 10, 2023) during the SWOT commissioning and calibration phases (1-day repeat orbit), and Cycles 1-6 (July 21 – November 23, 2023) during the science phase (21-day repeat orbit).
- Please note that some passes are not available in the later portion of cycle 578, and very early portions of Cycles 402 and 1 during orbit transitions as well as instrument turn on.

October 2023:
- Release of the reprocessed SWOT 1-day orbit IGDR nadir altimeter products for the period from March 29 to July 10, 2023.
- Please note that some gaps remain in the reprocessed IGDR time series because either the raw IGDRs were not available or the available IGDRs could not be processed with the current version of the processing software.

September 2023:
Production and release of O/I(GDR) products have resumed in nominal conditions.
- Distribution of the OGDR science data products resumes from September 7, 2023 and onwards.
- Distribution of the IGDR science data products starts from July 21, 2023 and onwards.

July 2023
- (O/I)GDR production and distribution are temporarily interrupted from July 11, 2023 for the platform transfer to the Science orbit. Users will be notified when the service will resume.
- On-ground instrumental corrections will be updated upon production restart after the orbit change (MLE3 and MLE4 retrackers).
- Improved orbit state flag will be implemented upon production restart after the orbit change.

June 2023:
The SWOT project is pleased to announce the public release of Level 2 data products from the onboard nadir altimeter (NALT) and advanced microwave radiometer (RAD).
- The datasets are from Cycle 559, pass 1 (on June 21, 2023) onward.
- They have been generated with post-launch calibrations for both the NALT and RAD.
- Data from earlier will be provided when the Geophysical Data Record (GDR) will be released by the end of 2023.


Disclaimer about SWOT KaRIn Level 2 Ocean products:

March 2024:
Production and distribution of the pre-validated L2_LR_SSH version 2.0 (or version C) products:
- PIC0 for forward-processed version C products.
- PGC0 for reprocessed version C products.

November 2022:
The beta pre-validated L2_LR_SSH version 1.0 product (summer 2023 reprocessing release) is available only for the 1-day CalVal orbit phase, from March 29 to July 10, 2023, and the 21-day Science orbit phase from September 7 to November 21, 2023.

Product files AVISO Distribution services Delivery delay Grid File size Handbook
L2_NALT_OGDR Available via your personal space: MY AVISO+ and the new AVISO+ Cnes Data Center archive
(new users can fill the following registration form for data access, with identical credentials for both services)
3-5 hours Along-track measurements ​for each half orbit < 25 MB per file

User Guide of SWOT Level-2 Nadir Altimeter products


Level-2 Nadir Altimeter products handbook based on Jason-2/3 heritage (see  Jason-3 Level2 products handbook)

L2_NALT_IGDR 1-2 days < 50 MB per file
L2_NALT_GDR ~90 days < 50 MB per file
Product files AVISO Distribution services Delivery delay Grid File size Handbook
L2_RAD_OGDR Available via your personal space: MY AVISO+ and the new AVISO+ Cnes Data Center archive
(new users can fill the following registration form for data access, with identical credentials for both services)
3-5 hours Along-track measurements ​for each half orbit < 7 MB per file

User Guide of SWOT Level-2 Radiometer products


Level-2 Nadir Altimeter products handbook based on Jason-2/3 heritage (see  Jason-3 Level2 products handbook)

L2_RAD_IGDR 1-2 days < 5 MB per file
L2_RAD_GDR ~90 days < 5 MB per file
Product files AVISO Distribution services Delivery delay Grid File size Handbook
/day /year
L2_LR_SSH [‘Basic’] Available via your personal space: MY AVISO+
and the new AVISO+ Cnes Data Center archive (new users can fill the following registration form for data access, with identical credentials for both services)
<45 days 2 km ​geographically fixed ​swath-aligned grid​ 1 GB 365 GB User Guide L2 KaRIn LR SSH product
​L2_LR_SSH [‘WindWave’]​ <45 days 1 GB 365 GB
L2_LR_SSH [‘Expert’]​ <45 days 3 GB 1 TB
L2_LR_SSH [‘Unsmoothed’]​ <45 days ~250 m ​center-beam (native) ​sampling grid​ 40 GB 15 TB

SWOT_L3_LR_SSH product

Product files Version AVISO Distribution services Delivery delay Grid File size Handbook
SWOT_L3_LR_SSH [‘Basic’] v1.0 Available via your personal space: MY AVISO+ (new users can fill the following registration form for data access) - 2 km <4MB SWOT_L3_LR_SSH User Handbbok
SWOT_L3_LR_SSH [‘Expert’]​ v1.0 - 2 km <12MB
SWOT_L3_LR_SSH [‘Unsmoothed’]​ v1.0 - 250 m <120MB




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