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27.03.2023 Cnes/Nasa Press release: Swot water tracking satellite sends back first stunning views

radar image showing a large number of freshwater bodies, including the River Garonne, 200 metres across where it flows through the centre of Toulouse, and the Canal du Midi, 20 metres across at its widest point. Many lakes can also be seen, like La Ramée covering 13,5 hectares. The imagery is already demonstrating the satellite’s ability to detect water bodies, which is even better than expected and will prove vital to deliver data with high science value.

The international Surface Water and Ocean Topography (SWOT) satellite has sent back some of its first glimpses of water on the planetâs surface.[more]

16.03.2023 GMSL Update: integration of Sentinel-6 Michael Freilich

The Aviso global mean sea level (GMSL) time series has been recently updated with the Sentinel-6MF mission[more]

16.03.2023 Cyclone Freddy seen by altimetry satellites

Cyclone Freddy, stroke Indian Ocean, and in particular Mozambique Channel in February-March 2023. It broke a number of records.

02.03.2023 March 2023: a new Mean Dynamic Topography

Twenty years have gone since the first Mean Dynamic Topography dataset disseminated through Aviso. The new CNES-CLS22 MDT is now available for use.

02.03.2023 Release of Swot Nadir O/I GDR sample data

The Aviso and Cnes teams are pleased to announce the release of Swot Nadir Operational and Intermediate Geophysical Data Record sample data for early dissemination. [more]

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