Latest News
26.04.2022 Renewal of the CFOSAT Science Team for the period 2023-2026

On April the 25th, the CNES Research Announcement (RA) for the renewal of the CFOSAT (China France Oceanography SATellite) Science Team for the period 2023-2026 was disseminated.[more]
12.04.2022 Mesoscale Eddy Trajectory Atlas META3.2DT

The New Mesoscale Eddy Trajectory Atlas META3.2DT is now available on Aviso+.[more]
07.04.2022 Public release of new Sentinel-6 Michael Freilich L2P/L3 products

New Sentinel-6 Michael Freilich L2P (Level-2+)/L3 (Level-3) products available[more]
06.04.2022 Apr. 2022: hand-over in orbit

As from April 7, 2022, Sentinel-6 Michael Freilich is becoming the altimetry reference mission, taking over from Jason-3 the homogeneous precise altimetry record
06.04.2022 [Jason-3] transfer to interleaved orbit starting on April 7th

Sentinel-6 Michael Freilich becomes the new Reference Altimetry Mission for the worldwide altimetry satellites constellation, Jason-3 will start its repositioning maneuvers tomorrow, Thursday, April 7th[more]