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05.10.2010 October 2010: Envisat measures up Antarctica

Antarctica is certainly the most inhospitable continent on Earth. Altimetry satellites, however, don't have weather limitations and enable to estimate ice caps topography, including variations from year to year.

05.10.2010 September 20 - October 2, 2010 week

L'acidification des mers : un impact dévastateur sur les océans (Bluewin, 2010/09)

La fonte des glaciers de l'Arctique inquiète (Sequovia, 2010/09/28)

La Niña provoque incendies et sécheresses au Brésil (Libération,...[more]

01.10.2010 Envisat will change its orbit from October 22, 2010

To extend the mission until end 2013, the Envisat satellite will move to a new lower orbit from October 22, 2010.

01.10.2010 Arctic sea ice extent as observed by Envisat altimeter

September 2010 is the third low sea ice extent record in Arctic. The Envisat RA-2 altimeter enables to measure the sea ice extent.

30.09.2010 Aviso Users Newsletter #5

We are pleased to announce you the publication of the fifth Aviso Users Newsletter focused on in-orbit and ongoing missions, reprocessed Duacs DT multi-mission data (example with Brat) and what users are telling us in the surveys.

23.09.2010 13-18 september, 2010 week

L'acidification des mers menace coraux et coquillages (Le Figaro, 2010/09/17)

La glace continue de reculer dans l'océan Arctique (cyberpresse, 2010/09/15)

On line availability of articles depends on the Newspaper/magazine. We...[more]

17.09.2010 Upgrade on the Aviso LAS

The Aviso LAS is fully back in service, including the new reprocessing Delayed-Time data.[more]

Displaying results 897 to 903 out of 1244
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