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29.06.2010 Call for nominations to the scientific award "Christian Le Provost, océanographe" 2010

Nominations are invited for the second scientific award "Christian Le Provost, océanographe". Nominations deadline is for tomorrow.[more]

23.06.2010 7-20 June, 2010 week

De nouveaux indices pour expliquer la fonte rapide de la glace en Antarctique (News Environnement, 2010/06/21)

Les océans étouffent sous les émissions de dioxyde de carbone (News environnement, 2010/06/18)

L'Océan sous...[more]

23.06.2010 A new Mean Sea Surface distributed by Aviso

A new version of the Mean Sea Surface called MSS_CNES_CLS_10 is available on the Aviso website.[more]

14.06.2010 June 2010: Penguins at large

The Argonautica educational project aims to help better know the oceans using satellites resources. Different beacons are thus tracked, e.g. on King penguins. The penguins paths are often seen at the edge of the eddies, between a...

10.06.2010 Gulf Stream variability

The Gulf Stream is a turbulent western boundary current with strong variations caused by an intense eddying. By representing the SLA variance, areas with high variability are shown.

09.06.2010 May 24, June 5, 2010 weeks

 Climate change "increases island size" (News, 2010/06/03)

OVIDE 2010 : l'océan Atlantique Nord livrera-t-il ses secrets ? (INSU, 2010/05/31)

Le CO2 lié à la fin de la dernière glaciation (Ushuaïa,...[more]

01.06.2010 New, reprocessed, data on Aviso and change of distribution policy

A new, re-processed version of Ssalto/Duacs DT data have just been published. At this occasion, the Aviso data and distribution policy is changing, to better know and thus better serve altimetry users.[more]

Displaying results 932 to 938 out of 1244
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