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26.04.2010 19-25 April, 2010 week

Biosphère : un milliard d'espèces microbiennes dans l'océan (Développement durable, 2010/04/21)

La fonte des glaciers pourrait stimuler les éruptions (Le Monde, 2010/04/20)

L'Islande s'interroge sur ses volcans (Science et Vie,...[more]

20.04.2010 12-17 April, 2010 week

Allons nous vers plus d'éruptions volcaniques (DDMagazine, 2010/04/18)

D'énormes quantités de micro-organismes au fond des océans (Le Point, 2010/04/18)

Le réchauffement climatique pourrait réveiller davantage de volcans...[more]

16.04.2010 Ocean circulation in the Solomon Sea

The Solomon Sea is a key area where currents redistribute water from the subtropics to the equator. The LAS is used to highlight its complex ocean circulation and its variations.

13.04.2010 First data from altimeter Siral on Cryosat-2

The altimeter Siral onboard Cryosat-2 was switched on the 11th of April and its first radar echo data were taken over the Antarctic's Ross Ice Shelf. They clearly show  excellent results of the ice cover and...[more]

13.04.2010 First data made by Doris on Cryosat-2

The Doris instrument onboard Cryosat-2 was switched on 9 April. Few hours after the launch, the first data show good results with only small incertitudes on the orbit determination.[more]

13.04.2010 5-10 April, 2010 week

Successful launch for ESA's CryoSat-2 ice satellite (ESA, 2010/04/08)

Foire aux questions sur l'acidification des océans (INSU, 2010/04/07)

Mer d'Aral : sa surface a diminué de 90%, une catastrophe écologique en images (Yahoo,...[more]

08.04.2010 Successful launch for ESA's CryoSat-2 ice satellite

Europe's first mission dedicated to studying the Earth's ice was launched today from Kazakhstan. From its polar orbit, CryoSat-2 will send back data leading to new insights into how ice is responding to climate change and the...

Displaying results 946 to 952 out of 1244
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