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30.11.2009 23-28 November, 2009 week

L'étude du passé fait une nouvelle fois progresser les modèles climatiques (Science et Vie, 2009/11/27)

L'Arctique se réchauffe mais restera peu rentable (L'Express, 2009/11/27)

L'évolution du climat depuis 1500 ans précisée...[more]

25.11.2009 9-14 November, 2009 week

L'avenir de la Terre se jouera à Copenhague (Ouest France, 2009/11/14)

El Niño, La Niña, and Rainfall (Earthobservatory, 2009/11/13)

Ce climat qui déraille (La Dépêche, 2009/11/12)

Des expéditions maritimes consacrées à la...[more]

24.11.2009 Meeting the Mindanao and the Kuroshio currents

The western equatorial Pacific Ocean is an area with a complex circulation. The geostrophic velocities derived from SLA and plotted with vectors in the LAS easily highlight it.

20.11.2009 New Combined Mean Dynamic Topography

A new version of the Combined Mean Dynamic Topography called MDT_CNES-CLS-09 is available on the Aviso website.

The MDT is the mean sea surface above geoid, corrected from geophysical effects. It has been produced in the...[more]

18.11.2009 A document on the next 15 years of satellite altimetry

A User Requirement Document on the Next 15 Years of Satellite Altimetry has just been published. It recalls the history of satellite altimetry, details the user requirements for the numerous research fields, provides a context...[more]

10.11.2009 2-7 November, 2009 week

Le fond des mers impacté par le réchauffement climatique (Nouvel Observateur, 2009/11/04)

SMOS forms three-pointed star in the sky (ESA, 2009/11/03)

Climat : le satellite SMOS lancé sur les traces de l'eau terrestre...[more]

09.11.2009 November 2009: If it's not El Niño, then it must be his brother...

Although it was believed that El Niño was essentially defined by the flow of warm waters of the tropical west Pacific ("Warm Pool") towards the coasts of Ecuador and Peru, it has recently been discovered that it can also appear...

Displaying results 1002 to 1008 out of 1244
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