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18.06.2009 Meddies in the Atlantic Ocean

'Meddies' are defined as warm and salty eddies of Mediterranean water sinking in the Atlantic through the Gibraltar Strait. The LAS can help to show these meddies or detail their characteristics.

17.06.2009 8-13 June, 2009 week

Greenland ice sheet larger contributor to sea-level rise (Physorg, 2009/06/11)

Océans : bientôt, le point de non-retour (GoodPlanet, 2009/06/11)

Région par région, les migrations liées au réchauffement climatique (Le Monde,...[more]

10.06.2009 1-6 June, 2009 week

Un robot sous-marin plonge au plus profond de l'océan, découvrez les images (Maxisciences, 2009/06/07)

Antarctique-Des manchots découverts par satellite et grâce au guano (LCI, 2009/06/02)

Le changement climatique accroît le...[more]

08.06.2009 World Ocean Day

The United Nations designated 8 June as World Ocean Day.

Many organisations in more than 50 countries around the globe highlight ocean and climate issues with the objective to make a significant contribution to the...[more]

05.06.2009 Interruption of Aviso FTP server

Within the framework of an evolution of our FTP server (, Aviso FTP will be interrupted next Sunday June 27, 2009 between 8:00 and 12:00 GMT.

We are sorry for this inconvenience. Feel free to report any problem...[more]

05.06.2009 Envisat mission extended until 2013

ESA Member States have unanimously voted to extend the Envisat mission through to 2013. [more]

03.06.2009 25-30 May, 2009

NYC, Boston Could See Higher Sea Level Rise (Live Science, 2009/05/27)

GOCE achieves drag-free perfection (ESA, 2009/05/26)

South Pole Sea Ice at 2008 Maximum and 2009 Minimum (Earthobservatory, 2009/05/23)

ESA map reveals...[more]

Displaying results 1044 to 1050 out of 1244
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