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12.02.2009 2-7 February, 2009 week

Un nouvel outil pour améliorer la fiabilité des modèles climatiques (INSU, 2009/02/05)

Niveau des océans : les prédictions du GIEC trois fois trop optimists (Bulletins électroniques, 2009/02/06)

March launch planned for ESA's...[more]

10.02.2009 Update on the Jason-1 orbit change

Last maneuvers have put Jason-1 higher than planned. The drift phase should thus last longer. The altimeter could be switch on on February 10, during the drift phase.[more]

04.02.2009 26-31 January, 2009 week

Réchauffement : il est déjà trop tard (Sciences Info, 2009/01/27)

Polémique sur la «fertilisation» des océans (Le Figaro, 2009/01/16)

On line availability of articles depends on the Newspaper/magazine. We can't thus...[more]

03.02.2009 Some Aviso FTP services will be interrupted Thursday, February 05, 2009

Within the framework of an evolution of the storage capability, the FTP data access service for GDR/IGDR altimetry data (Jason-1&2, Envisat)  as well as Doris data will be interrupted Thursday 05 February, 2009 between 13:00...[more]

02.02.2009 February 2009: Water or ice?

To properly take into account altimetry measurements, one has to know over which kind of surface it was taken. Using both altimeter and radiometer, ice and water can be classified.

29.01.2009 19-24 January, 2009 week

New evidence on Antarctic warming (BBC, 2009/01/21)

Une énorme plaque de glace de l'Antarctique va se désintégrer (Yahoo, 2009/01/19)

Jason-1 orbit change (Eumetsat, 2009/01/12)

Troubled waters (The Economist,...[more]

29.01.2009 Aviso Users Newsletter #3

This third issue of the Aviso newsletter focuses on the quality of the OSTM/Jason-2 altimetry products. Six months after its launch, the Cal/Val phase has been performed for OGDR. OGDRs products are processed routinely on...

Displaying results 1086 to 1092 out of 1243
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