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12.12.2008 OSTM/Jason-2 data available on Dec. 15th, 2008

The new OSTM/Jason-2 OGDR will start on 15 December on Eumetsat and Noaa Services.

The Operational Sensor (Geophysical) Data Record (OSDR/OGDR) is a new, real-time operational product specially developed for the Jason-2 mission....[more]

11.12.2008 1-6 December, 2008 week

ESA satellites flying in formation (ESA, 2008/12/03)

Energies renouvelables: l'avenir est en mer (Voila, 2008/12/03)

Océans. La chasse aux icebergs se fait depuis Toulouse (La Dépêche, 2008/12/02)

L'eau vue de l'espace (CNES,...[more]

04.12.2008 24-29 November, 2008 week

Un ralentissement énigmatique de l'élévation du niveau des mers (Le Monde, 2008/11/28)

L'expédition du Polarstern dévoile les secrets des mers profondes de la géologie arctique (Notre Planète Info, 2008/11/27)

On line...[more]

03.12.2008 December 2008: Monsoons in the altimetry corrections

Monsoon is a coupled ocean-atmosphere phenomena that impacts a huge number of people. Altimetry satellites can provide information about the ocean, but also about the atmosphere, using the onboard radiometer measurements.

27.11.2008 GFO : the end of a long run

Launched in February 1998, GFO is now arriving at the end of its mission. After an onboard problem of overheating reaction wheels last September, GFO's transmitter was turned off for the final time. The final orbit manoeuver was...[more]

26.11.2008 17-22 November, 2008 week

La mer monte encore mais pas toujours pour les mêmes raisons (INSU, 2008/11/19)

La fonte des glaces, principal responsable de la hausse du niveau marin depuis 2003 (Libération, 2008/11/18)

Scientists take experiment to river...[more]

20.11.2008 Fierce gale for the Vendée Globe fleet

The 2008 edition of the Vendee Globe is launched. From the Bay of Biscay, to intrepid howls of fifties, the road to the South is long. The LAS can help us to imagine the real conditions faced by lonely sailors.

Displaying results 1107 to 1113 out of 1243
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