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23.10.2008 12-18 October, 2008 week

La Terre comme elle va, au mètre près, chaque semaine (Le Monde, 2008/10/18)

Température d'automne arctique: record de 5 degrés au-dessus de la normale (L'Internaute, 2008/10/17)

On line availability of articles depends on the...[more]

21.10.2008 An unusually strong Indian monsoon

An unusually strong Indian monsoon occurs this year. Cartography, comparisons between several years thanks to LAS, in terms of sea level anomalies, winds and currents...

17.10.2008 New version C Jason-1 GDR is available

New version C Jason-1 Geophysical Data Records (GDRs). Currently, cycles 213-232, and 240 are available on the Aviso and Podaac ftp servers. All version C Jason-1 GDRs for all cycles will be available by the middle of 2009. [more]

16.10.2008 6 - 11 October, 2008 week

Kopernikus, réseau de suivi mondial de l'environnement et de la sécurité (Cnes, Conversations spatiales, octobre 2008)

Un oeil sur les cyclones (vidéo Cnes, 4min06s, 06/10/2008) 

L'emblème du réchauffement climatique...[more]

10.10.2008 29 September - 4 October, 2008 week

Intense activité cyclonique en octobre dans l'Atlantique, selon des experts L'Internaute, 2008/10/01)

Suivez cette bête (Libération, 2008/09/30)

Hausse des mers: pas plus de 2 mètres (Science Presse, 2008/09/30)

Le Nord gagne,...[more]

06.10.2008 October 2008: Thread-like structures extracted from altimetry

Altimetry can be used to compute thread-like structures below its nominal spatial resolution. Those filaments are important in ocean transport and mixing

03.10.2008 Typhoon Jangmi as seen by Jason-2

While well above-average activity has occurred so far during the 2008 hurricane season in the Atlantic Ocean, several typhoons have succeeded in the Western Pacific. After typhoon Sinlaku earlier on September, the typhoon...[more]

Displaying results 1121 to 1127 out of 1244
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