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17.07.2008 7-13 July, 2008 week

Energie : une nouvelle carte des vents océaniques (Le Monde, 2008/07/15)

L'acidification des océans menace dangereusement les coraux (L'internaute, 2008/07/11)

On line availability of articles depends on the Newspaper/magazine....[more]

09.07.2008 30 June-5 July, 2008 week

Retour des campagnes australes (INSU, 2008/07/03) - conférence de presse Au fil des pôles du 3 juillet 2008

NASA Mission to Answer Lingering Questions From Deep Blue Sea (NASA, 2008/06/28)

On line availability of articles...[more]

07.07.2008 El Niño bulletin from altimetry

Aviso web site proposes you an El Niño-Southern Oscillation indicator feature, with monthly maps (since November 1992) and an index computed from altimetry.

04.07.2008 July 2008: Jason-2 on the tracks of Jason-1 (and Topex/Poseidon)

Jason-2 was launched on June 20. After just two weeks, first results are promising, close to Jason-1's. However, it is just the beginning of the validation, and of the mission.

03.07.2008 23-28 June, 2008 week

Climat : le pôle Nord sans glace cet été, désormais une possibilité (L'internaute, 2008/06/26)

Global Warming Twenty Years Later: Tipping Points Near (Columbia, 2008/06/23)

Key ocean mission goes into orbit (BBC ,...[more]

02.07.2008 Altimetry applications in videos: Looking ahead

The successful launch of the Jason-2 altimetry satellite complements the constellation of satellites currently in flight. Overview of current and future altimetry applications.[more]

01.07.2008 Typhoon Nargis

Altimetric views on the north Indian Ocean when the typhoon Nargis reached Burma, the 1st of May 2008.[more]

Displaying results 1156 to 1162 out of 1243
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