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23.06.2008 Altimetry applications in videos: Ocean circulation

Surface Currents from Mercator Ocean.

Because the currents transport heat and energy, they are major players in the Earth's climate. Observations by altimetry, combined with in situ surveys, give us a precise view of them, both at the surface and at depth. [more]

23.06.2008 OSTM/Jason-2: Altimeter's first waveforms off Angola

First waveforms of the Poseidon-3 altimeter on Jason-2

After the spectacular launch last Friday morning, the beginnings of life for the OSTM/Jason-2 are nominal.

Doris was the first instrument to be turned ON. Designed to allow a precise determination of the satellite position,...[more]

20.06.2008 Jason-2 successfully launched!

Jason-2 was successfully launched today at 7:46 GMT. Separation from the launcher and injection of the satellite into orbit occurred 55 minutes after launch, followed by the deployment of the solar array using a pre-defined...[more]

20.06.2008 9-14 June, 2008 week

L'effet des tourbillons sur la productivité biologique des upwellings (Insu, 2008/06/11)

Le lancement de Jason-2 fixé au 20 juin (Cnes, 2008/06/10)

La prévision de l'océan (Cnes, 2008/06/10)

On line availability of articles...[more]

19.06.2008 OSTM/Jason-2: One-Day forecast

Jason-2 spacecraft

All final checks are made, both on the OSTM/Jason-2 spacecraft and the launch vehicle.The weather forecast mentions weak visibility, winds light  to moderate and sea breeze but not impacting launch.

The coundown is...[more]

17.06.2008 OSTM/Jason-2: sheltered inside fairing

The  Delta II's fairing

The spacecraft OSTM/Jason-2 is now sheltered under the fairing. The Flight Readiness Review was achieved without any problems. This successfully operation allows the fuelling of the Delta II's second stage and the remainder of...[more]

16.06.2008 Altimetry applications in videos: Lake Chad

Lake Chad's large surface in a topographical setting with low relief makes it an excellent object for study using altimetry satellites.[more]

Displaying results 1170 to 1176 out of 1244
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