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16.04.2008 Ssalto/Duacs NRT v8.1 / DT v2.0

New releases in Ssalto/Duacs products[more]

15.04.2008 7-12 April, 2008 week

La marine marchande surfe sur les courants (Les Echos, 2008/04/07)

Le satellite Jason-2, dernier né des altimètres (Les Echos, 2008/04/07)

On line availability of articles depends on the Newspaper/magazine. We can't thus...[more]

14.04.2008 Ssalto/Duacs NRT v8.1 / DT v2.0

The latest versions of the DUACS-DT software (v2.0) and the DUACS-NRT software (v8.1) are being deployed on the production servers, the new data will be delivered on the AVISO ftp site as soon as possible.

09.04.2008 Altimetry applications in videos : Life in the ocean

Leatherback turtle path (black line) overlayed on sea level anomalies and geostrophic current, in the Gulf Stream in october 2005. Credits DEPE/IPHC/CNRS and CLS.

The ocean is very fertile. By combining biological data with circulation models it is now possible to simulate the complex interactions between ocean physics and chemistry and marine life.[more]

09.04.2008 31 March - 5 April, 2008 week

La Niña devrait refroidir l'année 2008 (Le Figaro, 2008/04/04)

La plus grande plate-forme glaciaire d'Antarctique se disloque avec le réchauffement climatique (Notre planète info, 2008/04/02)

NEMO : un modèle d'océan européen...[more]

03.04.2008 April 2008: Diving in an eddy

Altimetry enables to spot eddies in the ocean. In situ data complement the sea surface height measurements, in particular by looking in depth.

01.04.2008 24-29 March, 2008 week

En mesurant les océans, le satellite Jason-2 contribuera à la connaissance du climat (Yahoo, 2008/03/27)

Les glaces antarctiques disparaissent (Courrier International, 2008/03/27)

Un large pan de barrière de glace se disloque...[more]

Displaying results 1205 to 1211 out of 1245
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