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28.06.2021 Monthly means of Eddy Kinetic Energy (EKE)

From January 1993 to the last extension, the DUACS Delayed-Time gridded dataset allows to compute statistical means of Eddy Kinetic Energy (EKE) over different periods of time.[more]

22.06.2021 Sentinel-6 Michael Freilich data distribution go live on June 22, 2021

Near-real time Sentinel-6 Michael Freilich data distribution opens (real and near-real time level 2) on June 22, 2021[more]

10.06.2021 L2P OFF nadir CFOSAT product: Easy to use spectral product

We are pleased to inform you that, as of June 1st, there are a new CFOSAT Off Nadir Level-2+ (L2P) WAVE product. [more]

03.06.2021 June 2021: Swot and the lakes' winds

Winds can push lake waters to the opposite shore. Swot will see the difference depending on its coverage of the water body.

01.06.2021 New versions of the Mesoscale Eddy Trajectories Atlas product

The new versions of the Mesoscale Eddy Trajectories Atlas, META3.1exp DT allsat and twosat, provide new parameters for eddy detection and an improved tracking scheme. [more]

03.05.2021 May 2021: Typhoon Surigae in the eyes of radars

A number of satellites using radar techniques (including altimetry) are observing tropical cyclones. Their data are used to improve forecasting.

03.05.2021 New version of the OHC-EEI product

The new version of the Ocean Heat Content - Earth Energy Imbalance product accounts for a new ensemble of ocean mass solutions derived from gravimetry measurements. [more]

Displaying results 141 to 147 out of 1246
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