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03.06.2024 SWOT Level-3 LR SSH v1.0 short latency products on AVISO

Following the release of the v1.0 SWOT LR (Oceanography) Level-3 product on AVISO earlier this month, we are pleased to announce the release of the SWOT L3_LR_SSH short latency products (L2_LR_SSH latency + about 1 day).[more]
13.05.2024 SWOT Level-3 LR SSH v1.0 on AVISO

The v1.0 of the SWOT Level-3 (L3_LR_SSH) product is now online on AVISO. This release covers one full year from April 2023 to April 2024 and both phases/orbits of the mission. It is derived from the Level-2 version C and combines...
06.05.2024 May 2024: Swot measurements help in seafloor mapping

A single Swot KaRIn altimeter swath can produce marine gravity data of a quality comparable to that obtained over 20 years of conventional nadir altimetry.
25.04.2024 Update of AVISO Mean Sea Level

The AVISO Mean Sea Level has been updated with new figures and maps.
03.04.2024 April 2024: Ocean mirrors the (details of the) depths

The Mean Sea Surface is one of the reference surfaces computed for, and from, altimetry. Including the geoid, it comprises the effect of undersea reliefs on the gravity field.
21.03.2024 New version 04_00 of L2P products in NTC delay

A new version 04_00 of L2P products in Non-Time-Critical delay (NTC) is available for missions Sentinel-3A/B, Sentinel-6 MF, Jason-3/2/1, SARAL/AltiKa, Cryosat-2, HaiYang-2A/B, TOPEX/Poseidon, Envisat, ERS-1/2, Geosat Follow On. [more]
20.03.2024 Swot close to the coasts

One of Swot's most eagerly awaited results over the oceans lies at their boundaries: close to the coast. Swot observes over its entire swath, thus covering most of coastal areas. Moreover, with the 250-m resolution of the data...