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29.02.2016 OSTST meeting 2016 at La Rochelle (France)

We are pleased to announce you the upcoming event that will held at La Rochelle from October 31st to November 4th 2016. "New era of altimetry, new challenges" will embrace 3 related events: IDS, SAR, OSTST.[more]

25.02.2016 Saral: three years in orbit!

Following the successful launch of the Saral mission three years ago, the reliability and performances of its Ka-band altimeter have been demonstrated. In the frame of PEACHI project, maps of sea ice extent in Arctic and...[more]

22.02.2016 Ocean Surface Topography Science Team: TOSCA/ROSES Calls for scientific proposals

In the frame of the Ocean Surface Topography Science Team, in collaboration with NASA, CNES calls for scientific proposals from laboratories. The French and American submission websites are now open. [more]

18.02.2016 8-14 February 2016 week

Sentinel-3A en orbite (cnes, 2016/02/16)

Réchauffement climatique : la terre asséchée absorbe en partie la montée des eaux (linfo, 2016/02/12)

Le « réseau social » planctonique de la pompe carbone biologique enfin dévoilé...[more]

16.02.2016 World Meteorological Organization Survey on the Use of Satellite Data 2016

WMO is kindly asking for 15-20 minutes of your time to respond to the Satellite User Survey 2016. [more]

12.02.2016 ERS-2 reprocessing at CTOH for continental surfaces

The CTOH has reprocessed the original ERS-2 waveforms with a new implementation of the ICE-2 retracker algorithm. The new ERS-2 product includes new altimetric corrections and is tailored for continental surfaces.

11.02.2016 1-7 February 2016 week

Des vols transatlantiques plus longs à cause du réchauffement climatique (Le Monde, 2016/02/10)

Quantification de la vulnérabilité du bouclier de glace protégeant l’Antarctique (INSU, 2016/02/08)

Sentinel-3A fully tanked (ESA,...[more]

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