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31.07.2017 July 2017: Higher resolution knowledge of flooded areas over the whole Earth

Waiting for Swot, knowledge of wetlands and flooded areas can be computed from the wealth of satellite observation already available, combining them in all possible ways. It will provide with validation data when Swot will be...

27.07.2017 [Jason-2] : Data production resumed - first products available

On 20 June 2017, the 4-Partner Joint Steering Group directed the Jason-2 Project to undertake a series of maneuvers to reduce the orbit semi-major axis by 27 km. This has placed Jason-2 into a new long-repeat orbit (LRO) at...[more]

27.07.2017 16-22 July 2017 week

Feux de forêts: «Les incendies vont se multiplier avec le réchauffement climatique» (20 minutes, 2017/07/20)Climat: l’appel désespéré des climatologues (Journal de l’environnement, 2017/07/19)Une expédition pour évaluer...[more]

20.07.2017 10-16 July 2017 week

Antarctic Ice Shelf Sheds Massive Iceberg (Earthobservatory, 2017/07/12)Antarctique : l’un des plus gros icebergs de l’histoire vient de se détacher ! (SciencePost, 2017/07/12)Warm winter events in Arctic becoming more frequent,...[more]

13.07.2017 3-9 July, 2017 week

Réchauffement climatique: et cet iceberg géant qui finit de se détacher en Antarctique... (Sud Ouest, 2017/07/08)Pour étudier les effets du changement climatique dans les océans : le navire Dr Fridtjof Nansen explore les eaux...[more]

06.07.2017 Water JPI 2017 Joint Call opening soon!

The Water JPI will launch on 30 August 2017 its new Joint Call on the topic “Water resource management in support of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals”. [more]

06.07.2017 25 Years of Progress in Radar Altimetry Symposium - 24-29 September 2018, Azores

The "25 years of Progress in Radar Altimetry" Symposium will take place from Monday 24 to Saturday 29 September 2018, in Ponta Delgada, São Miguel Island, Azores Archipelago (Portugal). [more]

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