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14.06.2018 13:13 Age: 6 yrs

21 may - 10 june 2018 weeks

Category: Odatis, Press Review

<link https: releases _blank external-link-new-window>Widespread ocean anoxia was cause for past mass extinction (Science Daily, 21/05/2018)

<link http: des-changements-majeurs-dans-la-repartition-des-reserves-mondiales-deau-douce-sont-en-cours _blank external-link-new-window>Des changements majeurs dans la répartition des réserves mondiales d’eau douce sont en cours (SciencePost, 21/05/2018)

<link https: news science-technology researchers-hunting-microplastic-with-jellyfish _blank external-link-new-window>Researchers Hunting Microplastic with Jellyfish (Ocean News & Technology, 21/05/2018)

<link https: monde hawai-fumees-acides-avec-la-lave-du-kilauea-qui-atteint-l-ocean-22-05-2018-11966976.php _blank external-link-new-window>Hawaï. Fumées acides avec la lave du Kilauea qui atteint l’océan (Le Télégramme, 22/05/2018)

<link http: node _blank external-link-new-window>Le changement climatique peut-il augmenter le risque de gelées tardives ? (CNRS, 23/05/2018)

<link https: news speaking-of-science wp the-catastrophe-that-killed-the-dinosaurs-created-a-global-hothouse-for-100000-years-study-says _blank external-link-new-window>The catastrophe that killed the dinosaurs created a global hothouse for 100,000 years, study says (Washington post, 24/05/2018)

<link http: un-forage-en-antarctique-pourrait-remonter-plus-d1-million-dannees-dans-le-passe-et-resoudre-un-mystere-paleo-climatique _blank external-link-new-window>Un forage en Antarctique pourrait remonter plus d’1 million d’années dans le passé et résoudre un mystère paléo-climatique (SciencePost, 27/05/2018)

<link https: videos un-ocean-de-plastique _blank external-link-new-window>Un océan de plastique (CNRS, 28/05/2018)

<link https: releases _blank external-link-new-window>Rise and fall of the Great Barrier Reef (Science Daily, 28/05/2018)

<link https: surexploitation-et-changement-climatique-au-senegal-la-peche-est-en-danger _blank external-link-new-window>Surexploitation et changement climatique : au Sénégal, la pêche est en danger (Reporterre, 29/05/2018)

<link https: news science-technology noaa-s-next-generation-polar-satellite-system-now-operational _blank external-link-new-window>NOAA’s Next Generation Polar Satellite System Now Operational (Ocean News & Technology, 31/05/2018)

<link https: article _blank external-link-new-window>Réchauffement climatique : avions et ballons traquent les gaz à effet de serre (La Dépêche, 01/06/2018)

<link https: agenda how-to-fight-our-plastic-problem _blank external-link-new-window>Our plastic problem is out of control. Here’s how we can fight it (The World Economic Forum, 05/06/2018)

<link http: https: releases _blank external-link-new-window>Nutrient pollution makes ocean acidification worse for coral reefs (Science Daily, 06/06/2018)

<link https: actualite rechauffement-climatique-accentue-force-ouragans _blank external-link-new-window>Le réchauffement climatique accentue la force destructrice des ouragans (Métro, 08/06/2018)

<link https: agenda _blank external-link-new-window>Here are 5 of the biggest threats to our oceans, and how we can solve them (The World Economic Forum, 08/06/2018)

<link https: environnement journee-mondiale-de-locean-agir-pour-des-oceans-propres-365295.html _blank external-link-new-window>Journée mondiale de l’océan : Agir pour des « Océans propres » (Minute News, 08/06/2018)

<link https: news science-environment-44415752 _blank external-link-new-window>Aeolus: Wind satellite weathers technical storm (BBC News, 09/06/2018)

On line availability of articles depends on the Newspaper/magazine. We can't thus certify that above articles will be freely and permanently available.

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