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25.06.2018 10:27 Age: 6 yrs

11 June -24 June 2018 weeks

Category: Odatis, Press Review

<link https: iotd>Losing Ice in Svalbard (Earth Observatory, 25/06/2018)

<link https: planete article goelette-scientifique-tara-journal-de-bord-n-2-les-defis-d-une-navigation-scientifique-propre_5320536_3244.html>Goélette scientifique Tara, journal de bord n° 2 : les défis d’une navigation scientifique « propre » (Le Monde, 24/06/2018)

<link https: news science-environment-44579422>Marine plastic: Hundreds of fragments in dead seabirds (BBC news, 23/06/2018)

<link http: story>10 raisons pour lesquelles le changement climatique nous passe au-dessus de la tête (Slate, 22/06/2018)

<link http: plastic-odyssey-ce-bateau-avance-grace-aux-dechets-plastiques>Plastic Odyssey, ce bateau avance grâce aux déchets plastiques (Science Post, 22/06/2018)

<link http: une-nouvelle-etude-revele-que-les-iles-britanniques-etaient-recouvertes-dune-calotte-glaciaire-il-y-a-25-millions-dannees>Une nouvelle étude révèle que les îles Britanniques étaient recouvertes d’une calotte glaciaire il y a 2,5 millions d’années (Science Post, 22/06/2018)

<link https: agenda climate-change-could-force-100-million-people-into-poverty-by-2030-4-ways-we-can-step-up-adaptation>Here are 4 ways we can adapt to the growing danger of climate change (World Economic Forum, 21/06/2018)

<link https: releases>Antarctic ice sheet is melting, but rising bedrock below could slow it down (Science Daily, 21/06/2018)

<link https: feature jpl omg-the-waters-warm-nasa-study-solves-glacier-puzzle>OMG, the Water's Warm! NASA Study Solves Glacier Puzzle (Nasa, 21/06/2018)

<link https: agenda antarctica-has-lost-3-trillion-tonnes-of-ice-in-25-years-time-is-running-out-for-the-frozen-continen>What will Antarctica look like in 2070? (World Economic Forum, 19/06/2018)

<link http: our_activities observing_the_earth copernicus sentinel-3 sentinel-3_flies_tandem>Sentinel-3 flies tandem (ESA, 19/06/2018)

<link https: releases>Ocean's heat cycle shows that atmospheric carbon may be headed elsewhere (Science Daily, 19/06/2018)

<link https: releases>New model for gauging ice sheet movement may improve sea-level-rise predictions (Science Daily, 19/06/2018)

<link https: agenda satellite-images-show-antarctica-s-ice-melt-rapidly-increasing>We now know how much ice Antarctica has lost in the last 25 years - three trillion tonnes (World Economic Forum, 14/06/2018)

<link https: news speaking-of-science wp climate-change-is-moving-fish-around-faster-than-laws-can-handle-study-says>Climate change is moving fish around faster than laws can handle, study says (The Washington Post, 14/06/2018)

<link http: actualite fonte-glaces-comment-pese-antarctique>Fonte des glaces : comment a-t-on pesé l’Antarctique? (Science Presse, 14/06/2018)

<link http: sciences>Fonte accélérée des glaces de l'Antarctique (Le Figaro, 14/06/2018)

<link https: releases>Ocean waves following sea ice loss trigger Antarctic ice shelf collapse (Science Daily, 14/06/2018)

<link http: node>Quand les sources hydrothermales fertilisent l’océan de surface dans le Pacifique Sud-Ouest (CNRS, 13/06/2018)

<link https: news science-technology underwater-robots-give-unique-insight-into-arctic-climate-change>Underwater Robots Give Unique Insight into Arctic Climate Change (Ocean News & Technology, 11/06/2018)

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