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03.09.2018 18:00 Age: 6 yrs

Semaines du 6 au 31 août 2018


<link https: yet-another-powerful-typhoon-is-headed-toward-japan-1828740428>The Most Powerful Storm of 2018 Is Headed Toward Japan (Earther, 31/08/2018)

<link https: how-a-battle-to-build-the-best-weather-model-impacts-ev-1828636632>How a Battle to Build the Best Weather Model Impacts Everyone on Earth (Earther, 30/08/2018)

<link https: news>Future impacts of El Niño, La Niña likely to intensify, increasing wildfire, drought risk (National Science Foundation, 28/08/2018)

<link https: world aug>Arctic’s strongest sea ice breaks up for first time on record (The Guardian, 21/08/2018)

<link https: article why-sea-level-rise-varies-place-place>Why sea level rise varies from place to place (Science News, 15/08/2018)

<link https: environment climate-consensus-97-per-cent aug>Humans are pushing the Earth closer to a climate cliff (The Guardian, 15/08/2018)

<link https: agenda jakarta-world-fastest-sinking-city>Jakarta is slowing sinking into the Earth (World Economic Forum, 15/08/2018)

<link https: news world-asia-44636934>Jakarta, the fastest-sinking city in the world (BBC, 13/08/2018)

<link https: books aug>From greenhouse to hothouse: the language of climate change (The Guardian, 09/08/2018)

<link https: environment climate-consensus-97-per-cent aug>Pollution is slowing the melting of Arctic sea ice, for now (The Guardian, 03/08/2018)

<link http: oceans external-link-new-window>Le Libé des Océans (Libération, 31/08/2018)

<link https: the-ocean-cleanup-va-deployer-son-premier-barrage-anti-dechets-dans-locean-pacifique-nord>The Ocean Cleanup va déployer son premier barrage anti-déchets dans l’océan Pacifique-Nord ! (Science Post, 31/08/2018)

<link https: la-couche-de-glace-la-plus-solide-et-la-plus-ancienne-de-larctique-se-fracture>La couche de glace la plus solide et la plus ancienne de l’arctique se fracture (Science Post, 26/08/2018)

<link https: planete actualites oceanographie-mystere-triangle-bermudes-hypothese-vagues-scelerates-19719>Mystère du triangle des Bermudes : l'hypothèse des vagues scélérates (Futura Science, 18/08/2018)

<link https: planete canicules-ca-chauffe-aussi-tres-fort-pour-les-oceans.html>Canicules : ça chauffe aussi très fort pour les océans (Le Nouvel Obs, 16/08/2018)


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