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20.05.2019 10:55 Age: 5 yrs

1- 19 mai 2019 Revue de presse


<link https: news article nearly_a_quarter_of_west_antarctic_ice_is_now_unstable>Nearly a quarter of West Antarctic ice is now unstable (University of Leeds, 16/05/2019)

<link http: our_activities observing_the_earth water_cycle_wrapped>Water cycle wrapped (ESA, 15/05/2019)

<link https: news>Image: Antarctica detailed in 3-D (, 14/05/2019)

<link https:>Explorer Reaches Bottom of the Mariana Trench, Breaks Record for Deepest Dive Ever (LiveScience, 13/05/2019)

<link https: articles where-did-all-the-free-flowing-rivers-go>Where Did All the Free-Flowing Rivers Go? (EOS, 08/05/2019)

<link http: el-nino-has-rapidly-become-stronger-and-stranger-according-to-coral-records-115560>El Niño has rapidly become stronger and stranger, according to coral records (The Conversation, 06/05/2019)

<link https: research-spotlights>As Sea Levels Rise, Expect More Floods (EOS, 03/05/2019)

<link https: pub_releases agu-stg050119.php>Scientists track giant ocean vortex from space (EurekAlert!, 01/05/2019)

<link http: climat-avril-2019-quasi-record-de-chaud>Climat : avril 2019 quasi record de chaud (Le Monde, 16/05/2019)

<link https: changement-climatique-six-indicateurs-qui-montrent-que-la-france-n-est-pas-epargnee-6058766-706.php>Changement climatique : six indicateurs qui montrent que la France n’est pas épargnée (Sud Ouest, 10/05/2019)

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