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05.05.2020 18:01 Age: 4 yrs

OSTST CNES/EUMETSAT Joint Research Announcement 2020

Category: Events

CNES/EUMETSAT Joint Research Announcement (JRA) for the renewal of the Ocean Surface Topography Science Team

Please find below the CNES/EUMETSAT Joint Research Announcement (JRA) for the renewal of the Ocean Surface Topography Science Team. This JRA solicits for research proposals in the framework of the Jason-series altimetry missions and other altimeter missions listed as taking part in the ocean surface topography virtual constellation. It is the European counterpart of the US NASA/NOAA ROSES-2020 research announcement, NNH20ZDA001N-OSTST.
All proposals shall be submitted through an email to oceano(at) or through the CNES APR website:
For French investigators submitting a French proposals, or requesting CNES funding for contributing to a Non-French proposal, submission through the CNES APR website is MANDATORY, in accordance with TOSCA rules and procedures.
Conditions of submission, evaluation and support will be the same as for the previous JRA’s. 
Key due dates:  

  • Notices of Intent: Thursday 10th September 2020 by mail at oceano(at) (not mandatory, but will allow to optimize the peer review process, 4 different reviewers name may be proposed) 
  • Proposal  Submission: Thursday 1st October 2020 

The re-established membership of OSTST will be communicated by the CNES/EUMETSAT end of the second semester of 2020. The renewed team starts in January 2021.



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