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17.04.2023 08:30 Age: 1 year

CFOSAT SWIM data reprocessing in version 6 COMPLETED

Category: News of the CFOsat mission, Website updates

We are pleased to announce that the reprocessing of SWIM data in version 6 is now completed, all data from 25 April 2019 to the current date are now available.

Main evolutions with respect to 5.1 processing chains, that was used for first CFOSAT/SWIM reprocessing, are the following:

  • New antenna gain pattern (5.2 issue), which corrected largely corrects azimuthal asymmetry in sigma0 profiles observed previously,
  • An improvement of sigma0 profiles filtering before mini-profiles generation, improving the mini-profiles consistency
  • An evolution in the macrocycles rejection before spectrum generation with a different processing function of surface (ocean an sea-ice),
  • The correction of an anomaly in the wave direction estimation (full wave spectrum and partitions) for waves around 0/180°, which largely realigned SWIM retrieved directions with model,
  • For nadir data, several corrections were performed, such as the centering of 1Hz compressed values (averaging centered on the round second), or accounting for atmospheric correction in the nadir sigma0 native parameter.



These data sets (SWIM-L1B and SWIM-L2 products) are fully open for download . They are available on the following FTP server:

The SWIM-L1B, SWIM-L2 in version 6 are available on the FTP and SFTP services for quick access and automatic chains (only the last version is available via these services): Registration: please fill the form on the registration form and select the product "Wave / wind CFOSAT product"; the access will be opened after validation by the Service Desk,

Access: with dedicated credentials (login=email address) directly via the FTP or SFTP (not supported by all browsers) or via your personal space My AVISO+  (where you have the access to all your products).


-the files are named "CFO_OP06_SWI_....."

-the folders are named “swim_XX_op06”.

The FTP service is:

The SFTP service is: s

in the folders:

-for SWIM L1B products => swim_l1b_op06 (all files are accessible online)

-for SWIM L2 products => swim_l2_op06 (all files are accessible online)

The SWIM-L2P products are not concerned by this reprocessing.


The detailed information about the AWWAIS version changes are available here 

The validation reports can be downloaded here 

Please, contact the help desk at aviso(at) for any question.

Jean-Michel Lachiver, Cedric Tourain, Lotfi Aouf and Daniele Hauser

Link to CFOSAT mission 


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