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13.10.2023 07:26 Age: 1 year

[SWOT] The reprocessed SWOT 1-day orbit IGDR nadir altimeter products for the period from March 29 to July 10, 2023 are now available at AVISO.

Category: Operational news

Dear AVISO users,


The reprocessed SWOT 1-day orbit IGDR nadir altimeter products for the period from March 29 to July 10, 2023 are now available at AVISO.

Please note that some gaps remain in this reprocessed time series of IGDRs because either the raw IGDRs were not available or the available IGDRs could not be processed with the current version of the data processing software.

In addition, some outliers have been detected in this release of reprocessed 1-day orbit IGDRs and are being corrected in the processing and production of GDR data products.

However, please note that no additional 1-day orbit L2_NALT_IGDR beta pre-validated products are expected at this time.

The production of SWOT GDR products is expected to improve data availability and quality.

The public release of the SWOT GDRs is planned for the end of 2023.


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