New version of SSALTO/DUACS Experimental products including CFOSat for wave-current interactions studies
It includes a new CFOSat processing, a new mapping process (MIOST) merging 8 missions. The filtering has changed and the temporal coverage has been extended.

See product page for complete info.
The new version (2.0) of the SSALTO/DUACS Experimental products including CFOSat for wave-current interactions studies takes into account the following advances:
- New L3 CFOSat processing (Tourain et al., 2023) with new SSB and new editing,
- New L3 filetring at 15 and 60km instead of 45 and 60km,
- New L4 mapping method: MIOST (Ballarotta et al., 2023) merging 8 missions,
- Temporal coverage extended: 2019/05/19 â 2023/03/06
Complete information in the product page.
Access to data:
The data are accessible on FTP, SFTP and Thredds Data Server with your AVISO+ credentials
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