Operational News
Operational news about Ssalto and Duacs processing system.
04.10.2023 [SWOT] Production and release of the SWOT products have resumed on September 28, 2023.
Production and release of the SWOT O/I(GDR) products have resumed in nominal conditions after the restart of SWOT operations on September 28, 2023.
29.09.2023 [SWOT] mission operations were stopped on September 21, 2023 due to a platform anomaly
SWOT mission operations were stopped on September 21, 2023 due to a platform anomaly[more]
08.09.2023 [SWOT] Production and release of O/I(GDR) products have resumed in nominal conditions.
Dear AVISO users,
The SWOT project teams have effectively performed validation procedures of the SWOT O/I(GDR) nadir altimeter and radiometer science data products. Production and release of the SWOT O/I(GDR) products have resumed in nominal conditions. Distribution of the OGDR science data products resumes from September 7, 2023 and onwards, while the distribution of the IGDR starts from July 21, 2023 and onwards.
27.07.2023 [SWOT] Spacecraft now on its 21-day repeat orbit
Start of the global mapping science phase on July 21, 2023[more]
13.07.2023 [SWOT] Change of orbit
Beginning of the change the spacecraft orbit from the 1-day repeat to the 21-day repeat orbit which requires a series of propulsive maneuvers conducted from July 11, 2023 to July 21, 2023. [more]
01.06.2023 Recovery of the AVISO+ dissemination services
Services Impacted: FTP, SFTP, WMS, TDS, Data extraction service
Begin Date: 2023/06/01 10:20 (UTC)
End Date: 2023/06/01 14:27 (UTC)
Comments: NFS SCALITY issue.
We apologize for the inconvenience.
01.06.2023 Temporary unavailability of the AVISO+ dissemination services
Services Impacted: FTP, SFTP, WMS, TDS, Data extraction service
Begin Date: 2023/06/01 10:20 (UTC)
Comments: Investigations are ongoing to resolve the issue
We apologize for the inconvenience. Our support team is available for any further information (aviso@altimetry.fr)
14.02.2023 [Saral] Saral is operational again
Saral is back in routine operations as of 2023/02/09[more]
31.01.2023 [Saral] Saral spacecraft in safehold mode since Jan. 29, 17:45 UTC
The Saral spacecraft has switched to safehold mode on January 29, 17:45 UTC.
All science data production has thus been interrupted from then on.
Enquiries are ongoing at Cnes and Isro to detect the anomaly which led to the safehold, and restore Saral to nominal mode.
30.01.2023 Sentinel-6 : Quality degradation of the L2P altimeter NRT products from October 1st 2022
From 2022/10/01, an anomaly was observed on the wet-troposphere correction derived from the microwave radiometer on Sentinel-6 Michael Freilich, applied in the sea level processing. [more]