Operational News
Operational news about Ssalto and Duacs processing system.
03.04.2013 [Jason-2] Recovery in progress
The recovery procedure has been optimized and the current schedule foresee to turn on the Jason-2 payload core science instruments (POSEIDON3, AMR, GPSP) on Friday, 5 April.[more]
02.04.2013 [Jason-2] new Safe Hold Mode
Few hours after the recovery, the Jason-2 spacecraft entered again in safe mode on 30 March 2013.[more]
29.03.2013 [Jason-2] Restart of core mission
On 2013/03/29, the POSEIDON3 altimeter has been switched on.[more]
28.03.2013 [Jason-2] Jason-2 status update - start of recovery
The Jason-2 spacecraft entered safe mode on 25 March 2013 at approximately 03:30:59z. The current schedule foresee to turn on the Jason-2 payload core science instruments (POSEIDON3, AMR, GPSP) on Saturday, 30 March.[more]
26.03.2013 [Jason-2] Jason-2 in Safe Hold Mode since March 25th 03:30 UTC
The Jason-2 spacecraft entered safe mode on 25 March 2013 at approximately 03:30:59 UT, immediately interrupting its measurements during Cycle 174.[more]
20.03.2013 [Jason-1] Return to routine operations
Jason-1 spacecraft has now recovered from the safe mode event of 28 February 2013. Resume to this event.[more]
19.03.2013 [Jason-1] Jason-1 back to operational mode
Jason-1 is back to operational mode since March 18th. Everything is nominal.[more]
14.03.2013 [Jason-1] Platform recovery operations are underway and are planned to be completed by Friday March 15th
The Jason-1 spacecraft entered safe mode on 28 February 2013 at 16:13:37 UT, while traversing the South Atlantic Anomaly (SAA). Platform recovery operations (including DORIS) are now well underway and will be completed by Friday, 15 March.[more]
01.03.2013 [Jason-1] Jason-1 in Safe Hold Mode since February 28th 16:13 UTC
Jason-1 has encountered an anomaly on February 28th 16:13 UTC[more]
21.02.2013 Perturbations on Cnes FTP server on February 22nd, 2013
Perturbations may momentarily happen on Cnes FTP servers due to maintenance on Friday, February 22nd, 2013. All GDR/IGDR files are concerned.[more]