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Press review

12.11.2018 29 October - 12 November 2018 weeks

Hurricane Season Is Almost Over - So Why Are Meteorologists Watching The Caribbean? (Forbes, 11/11/2018)

NASA IceBridge Flight Spots Massive Antarctic Iceberg B-46 (SciTechDaily, 11/11/2018)

Still waiting on El Niño for...[more]

29.10.2018 15 - 29 October 2018 weeks

France-China space cooperation - CFOSat in orbit (CNES, 29/10/2018)

Long March 2C lofts CFOSAT for CNES (Nasa spaceflight, 28/10/2018)

El Nino alert gives first indications for Christmas weather (, 25/10/2018)


05.10.2018 22 September - 5 October 2018 Weeks


The new normal? How climate change is making droughts worse (The Guardian, 03/10/2018)

ICESat-2 laser fires for first time, measures Antarctic height (EurekAlert!, 03/10/2018)

A rare combination of Category 5 storms in the...[more]

21.09.2018 10 - 21 September 2018 weeks

Keeping score on Earth's rising seas (Nasa's Sea Level, 18/09/2018)

Hurricane Florence is a climate change triple threat (The Guardian , 14/09/2018)

ICESat-2: Tracking Earth's Ice with Unparalleled Detail (,...[more]

12.09.2018 1 - 9 September 2018 week


China launches satellite to monitor world’s oceans (Spaceflight now, 09/09/2018)

Increasing odds that Tropical Storm Florence will threaten East Coast (Axios, 07/09/2018)

Climate change could affect human evolution. Here's...[more]

03.09.2018 6 - 31 August 2018 weeks

The Most Powerful Storm of 2018 Is Headed Toward Japan (Earther, 31/08/2018)

How a Battle to Build the Best Weather Model Impacts Everyone on Earth (Earther, 30/08/2018)

Future impacts of El Niño, La Niña likely to intensify,...[more]

07.08.2018 23 July - 5 August 2018 weeks

2017, nouvelle année rouge pour le climat (Les Echos 02/08/2018)

Climat : 2017, année de tous les records (Le Monde 01/08/2018)

Les océans toujours aussi chauds, leur niveau toujours plus haut (BFM 02/08/2018)

Seuls 13% des...[more]

Displaying results 8 to 14 out of 434
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