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31.08.2012 Typhoon Bolaven seen by Jason-2

Typhoon Bolaven hit the Japan and Korean coasts making a lot of damages. Jason-2 satellite has flown over the typhoon path and has observed it.[more]

14.08.2012 Screencast tutorial for the new LAS version

New Lively Data as a screencast tutorial, where each step is directly described by markers on the interface. Significant Wave Heights highlight the waves values exceeding 5 m during the Saola typhoon occured on 2012/08/12.

14.08.2012 6 - 12 August 2012 week

Une tortue géante retrouvée sur une plage de Camargue (La Dépêche, 2012/08/07)



La glace du Groenland serait plus résistante que prévu au changement climatique (News environnement, 2012/08/06)

On line availability of...[more]

10.08.2012 Twenty years ago ... Topex/Poseidon was launched

When Topex/Poseidon was launched from Kourou on 10 August 1992, it was already a successful outcome for all the work involved in the frame of a cooperation between Nasa and Cnes, both on the human and...[more]

08.08.2012 August 2012: Altimetry, 20 years and still growing

In 20 years since Topex/Poseidon launch, altimetry has grown, and is still growing, in the number of uses as well as users

07.08.2012 30 July - 5 August 2012 week

Climat tropical en Antarctique il y a 52 millions d'années (Voix de la Russie, 2012/08/05)


02.08.2012 22-29 July 2012 week

Les chercheurs toulousains traquent le Césium 137 (La Dépêche, 2012/07/26)Le mouvement perpétuel du grand océan mondial (Sud Ouest, 2012/07/22)

On line availability of articles depends on the Newspaper/magazine. We can't thus...[more]

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