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26.06.2013 10-16 June 2013 week

Escales arctiques: ça bloome chez le plancton (rfi, 2013/06/11)

L'ONU célèbre la Journée Mondiale des Océans (News Environnement, 2013/06/11)

Is a Sleeping Climate Giant Stirring in the Arctic? (NASA, 2013/06/10)

On line...[more]

18.06.2013 Saral: data access open to all users for OGDRs and IGDRs products on June 20th, 2013

The SARAL project team and some scientists involved in the analysis of the Level2 products have held a first CalVal meeting on June 13th-14th in Toulouse. [more]

17.06.2013 Spot-4: end of life and desorbitation planned for June 24th 2013

The Spot- 4 satellite was launched on March 1998 and it reaches now the end of its life. It was the first of its serie to integrate Diode system able to localize the satellite in real-time.


SPOT-4, with on board a DORIS...[more]

12.06.2013 3-9 June 2013 week

La fonte des glaces deux fois moindre que prévue? (7 sur 7, 2013/06/06)Climat: préserver les forêts aide à sauver les coraux (Sciences Avenir, 2013/06/05)Tara Oceans Polar Circle : cap sur l'Arctique pour une récolte unique de...[more]

10.06.2013 June 2013: Is the ground rising or the sea decreasing?

Tide gauges are used to monitor sea level. However, they are anchored on lands, and thus monitor as much the land vertical motions than the sea's. When tide gauges and Doris stations are close by, combining their measurements...

05.06.2013 Strong swell in French Polynesia on June 2013

A strong swell have been observed in French Polynesia causing some damages. Altimetry data and sea state forecasts models have measured these high waves.[more]

05.06.2013 Saral also provides promising results over the Amazon river

The analysis of the Saral products over inland water is ongoing and already shows very good agreement when compared with in situ water level records. Here, an example over the Amazon river.[more]

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