SWOT Level-3 LR SSH v2.0 on AVISO
We are pleased to announce the release of the Basic and Expert SWOT L3_LR_SSH v2.0 (2-km) products on AVISO for both the Calibration (cycles 474 - 578) and Science (cycle 1 - ongoing) phases.

Example of Level-3 SSHA composite (unit cm) for January 2024 (ascending passes). Credits CNES,CLS.
We are pleased to announce the release of the Basic and Expert SWOT L3_LR_SSH v2.0 (2-km) products on AVISO for both the Calibration (cycles 474 - 578) and Science (cycle 1 - ongoing) phases.
Several updates have been made. The details of the changes are captured in a short presentation here. We encourage the users to use this new v2.0 version of the products rather than the older versions. Do not hesitate to send us your feedback on the quality and content of the products: it will help us prepare the next version (v3.0, expected in spring 2025).
For more information, see the AVISO SWOT L3_LR_SSH product page available here. The user manual (completed with the details of the changes and short list of known anomalies observed in the product version) is available here. For everything else related to SWOT, AVISO's one-stop web page is located here.
If you do not have a MY AVISO+ account, please fill out the registration page on the AVISO+ website.
If you already have an AVISO account, data access is available through the following services:
CNES AVISO FTP/SFTP (with AVISO+ credentials)
- FTP access:
- SFTP access: s
- /swot_products/l3_karin_nadir/l3_lr_ssh/v2_0
CNES AVISO THREDDS Data Server, TDS (with AVISO+ credentials)