Help & Contact
"My AVISO+" is your private space where you can find the list of the AVISO+ products you have subscribed.
From this reserved area, you can access your products as well as the related documentation available on the Website. You can also check your personal information and request for other products.
Not yet registered?
To create an account, you need to subscribe by filling the "Registration form".
Personal information are requested. They will help us better answer you if you have any question, and better fulfill your needs in the future.
With this form, you can select the products you want to access to.
You will be sent your login details in two separate e-mails shortly after the form is submitted, and products under standard licence you requested will then be accessible.
AVISO+ User Services will examine the requests for products under restricted licence within 5 working days (European time).
Important notice regarding AVISO products
The different Aviso products have different conditions of use, so all the products are not freely available for every uses. Please read carefully the licence agreement before accepting it.
Personal information
According to the law n° 78-17 "Informatique et Libertés/software and freedoms", you have the right to access the information as well as to rectify and delete data that concerns you personally on this site. Contact the AVISO+ User Helpdesk for this.
Login details and Connection
The email address serves as the username.
With your login details, you can connect to your private space and the product access services.
From your private space, you access the extraction and opendap services without entering username/password again.
However, they are required for the FTP service.
Please note that the credentials are also different for the CNES Data Center. Please register online.
I didn't receive the e-mails with my login details, what's wrong?
If you do not receive them within 48 hours, it is possible that our reply has been cancelled by automatic spam filters, or the e-mail address that you provided on the form is invalid.
Connection issues
If you have forgotten your password, you will need to follow the "Reset Password" instructions. Your username will be requested.
If you have trouble logging in with your username, please contact the AVISO+ User Helpdesk.
Please refer to our FAQ
If at any time you have questions or need assistance, please contact AVISO+ User Helpdesk