Control and processing center
In summary, the ground beacons broadcoast signals, the Doris receiver onboard satellites makes the Doppler shift measurements and stores them in its internal memory. The data are relayed to the ground on each pass of the satellite over a station. Then they are sent to Ssalto at reguliar interval, the Doris mission control centre in Toulouse, France.
This centre keeps a check on station operations, processes measurements, calculates the orbit of the satellites carrying the Doris instrument, and archives and distributes data. Since 1990 up to 2006, Doris has acquired over 100 million measurements for the international scientific community.
Plus d'information :
- Newsletter n°7 : SSALTO: un nouveau segment-sol pour une nouvelle génération de satellites altimétriques S. Coutin-Faye et al. 2000.