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Ssalto/Duacs product changes and updates

See below the latest Ssalto/Duacs product changes and updates.

Before 2020, see the archives of changes in Ssalto/Duacs system.

July 2024: temporal extension of Finite Size Lyapunov Exponents (FSLEs) and Orientations of associated eigenvectors

Delayed time Finite Size Lyapunov Exponents (FSLEs) and Orientations of associated eigenvectors have been extended until September 8th 2023 (still version DT2021).

These products are accessible via your personal page 

All the information is given in the Aviso+ product page 

July 2024: Monthly means : temporal extension and redelivery of 2001-2012

The Monthly means for Global and Europe (so-called Climatology DUACS2021) have been extended until August 2023.
Moreover an issue was found in the files for the period 2001-2012: they have been corrected and redelivered.

These products are accessible via your personal page 
All the information is given in the Aviso product page 


January 2024: temporal extension of SLA Monthly means and climatologies (Climatology products)

The Monthly means and climatologies, for Global and Europe (so-called Climatology DUACS2021) have been extended until May 2023.

These products are accessible via your personal page 
All the information is given in the Aviso+ product page 


January 2024: temporal extension of Finite Size Lyapunov Exponents (FSLEs) and Orientations of associated eigenvectors

Delayed time Finite Size Lyapunov Exponents (FSLEs) and Orientations of associated eigenvectors have been extended until June 7th 2023 (still version DT2021).

These products are accessible via your personal page 

All the information is given in the Aviso+ product page 

June 2023: temporal extension of SLA Monthly means (Climatology products)

The Monthly means,  for Global and Europe (so-called Climatology DUACS2021) have been extended until July 2022.

These products are accessible via your personal page 
All the information is given in the Aviso+ product page 


June 2023: temporal extension of Finite Size Lyapunov Exponents (FSLEs) and Orientations of associated eigenvectors

Delayed time Finite Size Lyapunov Exponents (FSLEs) and Orientations of associated eigenvectors have been extended until August 4th 2022 (still version DT2021).

These products are accessible via your personal page 

All the information is given in the Aviso+ product page 

January 2023: temporal extension of Finite Size Lyapunov Exponents (FSLEs) and Orientations of associated eigenvectors

Delayed time Finite Size Lyapunov Exponents (FSLEs) and Orientations of associated eigenvectors have been extended until June 23th 2022.

These products are accessible via your personal page 

July 2022: temporal extension of Finite Size Lyapunov Exponents (FSLEs) and Orientations of associated eigenvectors

Delayed time Finite Size Lyapunov Exponents (FSLEs) and Orientations of associated eigenvectors have been extended until December 31th 2021.

These products are accessible via your personal page 

March 2022: temporal extension of Finite Size Lyapunov Exponents (FSLEs) and Orientations of associated eigenvectors

Delayed time Finite Size Lyapunov Exponents (FSLEs) and Orientations of associated eigenvectors have been extended until August 2021.

These products are accessible via your personal page 

March 2022: temporal extension of Climatology products (Monthly means)

The Monthly means,  for Global and Europe (so-called Climatology DUACS2021) have been extended until July 2021.

These products are accessible via your personal page 

January 2022 : Climatology Delayed-Time reprocessing

  • In January 2022, a new version of the SSALTO/Duacs Climatology products distributed by Aviso, so-called Climatology DUACS 2021, has been released with several significant upgrades. A complete reprocessing of the whole L4 altimeter delayed time series has been performed. 


January 2022 : Finite-Size Lyapunov Exponents (FSLEs) and Orientations of associated eigenvectors: reprocessing

  • The Delayed-Time FSLEs have been all reprocessed in version DT2021 and are available until December 2020. Those products are disseminated on ftp as well as on OpenDap and the Data extraction tool. See the product page for complete information and your personal page for the access.

Remind: The FSLEs are computed over 21 years and over global ocean within the SALP/Cnes project in collaboration with CLS, LOcean and CTOH. They provide the exponential rate of separation of particles trajectories initialized nearby and advected by altimetry velocities. They can be used for studies on the ocean variability in different domains of biology, assimilation, societal applications,.... Those high level products are gridded (1/25°), in Delayed-Time and on a routine production with 20-day latency and cover the global ocean.

All the information is given in the Aviso+ product page with a  complete description and in the user handbook. Moreover, a dedicated webpage showing  examples of use is available. 

July 2021: temporal extension of Climatology products (Monthly means)

The Monthly means, Seasonal clim, Monthly clim for Global, mediterranean and black sea (so-called Climatology DUACS2018) have been extended until May 2020.

These products are accessible via your personal page 

April 2021: Ssalto/DUACS products: New "Multiscale Interpolation" AND update "Dynamic Interpolation"

The experimental grid products family expands with the new Multiscale Interpolation Method and updates with the Dynamic Interpolation Method

The experimental grid products family expands with the new Multiscale Interpolation Method

The innovative Multiscale Interpolation Ocean Science Topography (MIOST) method described in Ubelmann et al., 2021 has been used to compute gridded Ssalto/DUACS maps over one year for the global coverage. This new experimental product proposed by AVISO+ aims at improving the mesoscale circulation resolution and users are encouraged to test this interpolation method in their studies. 

The description is detailed in the product page and in the handbook (section 8)
Videos of the vorticity, currents or ADT of the operational maps compared to MIOST with regional zooms

Maps of Absolute Dynamic Topography (ADT) for day 2017/01/01 of the operational Ssalto/DUACS products distributed by the EU Copernicus
Marine Service (left) and calculated by the new Multiscale Interpolation Method distributed by AVISO+ (right).
Credits Cnes/CSL/EU Copernicus Marine Service.

Access to data:

  • If you are already registered to the Ssalto/DUACS experimental gridded products, this new product is delivered on the ftp service in the folder 'duacs-experimental/dt-phy-grids/multiscale_interpolation'
  • If you are not registered to these products, please fill the form and select the product "Ssalto/Duacs Experimental products: along-track and gridded Sea Level Heights and velocities"

The experimental grid products family updates with the Dynamic Interpolation Method

The Gulf Stream dataset of the Dynamic Interpolation method has been updated with a larger area, new resolution grid (1/8°), wider temporal coverage.
The description is detailed in the product page and in the handbook (section 4)
A video showing the comparison between the operational version of the DUACS maps and the maps computed with Dynamic Interpolation

Access to data:

  • If you are already registered to the Ssalto/DUACS experimental gridded products, this upgrade is delivered on the ftp service in the folder 'duacs-experimental/dt-phy-grids/dynamic_interpolation/version_01_00/gulfstream'
  • If you are not registered to these products, please fill the form and select the product "Ssalto/Duacs Experimental products: along-track and gridded Sea Level Heights and velocities"

January 2021 : Finite-Size Lyapunov Exponents (FSLEs) and Orientations of associated eigenvectors: temporal extension of Delayed-Time products

  • The Delayed-Time FSLEs are extended until March 2020. Those products are disseminated on ftp as well as on OpenDap and the Data extraction tool. See the product page for complete information and your personal page for the access.

Remind: The FSLEs are computed over 21 years and over global ocean within the SALP/Cnes project in collaboration with CLS, LOcean and CTOH. They provide the exponential rate of separation of particles trajectories initialized nearby and advected by altimetry velocities. They can be used for studies on the ocean variability in different domains of biology, assimilation, societal applications,.... Those high level products are gridded (1/25°), in Delayed-Time and on a routine production with 20-day latency and cover the global ocean.

All the information is given in the Aviso+ product page with a  complete description and in the user handbook. Moreover, a dedicated webpage showing  examples of use is available. 

January 2021: temporal extension of Climatology products (Monthly means)

The Monthly means, Seasonal clim, Monthly clim for Global, mediterranean and black sea (so-called Climatology DUACS2018) have been extended until February 2020.

These products are accessible via your personal page 

July 2020 : Finite-Size Lyapunov Exponents (FSLEs) and Orientations of associated eigenvectors: temporal extension of Delayed-Time products

  • The Delayed-Time FSLEs are extended until October 2019. Those products are disseminated on ftp as well as on OpenDap and the Data extraction tool. See the product page for complete information and your personal page for the access.

Remind: The FSLEs are computed over 21 years and over global ocean within the SALP/Cnes project in collaboration with CLS, LOcean and CTOH. They provide the exponential rate of separation of particles trajectories initialized nearby and advected by altimetry velocities. They can be used for studies on the ocean variability in different domains of biology, assimilation, societal applications,.... Those high level products are gridded (1/25°), in Delayed-Time and on a routine production with 20-day latency and cover the global ocean.

All the information is given in the Aviso+ product page with a  complete description and in the user handbook. Moreover, a dedicated webpage showing  examples of use is available. 

July 2020: temporal extension of Climatology products (Monthly means, Monyhly climatology, Seasonal climatology)

The Monthly means, Seasonal clim, Monthly clim for Global, mediterranean and black sea (so-called Climatology DUACS2018) have been extended until September 2019.

These products are accessible via your personal page 

Januray 2020: Temporal extension of SLA gridded products dedicated to Arctic Ocean

The SLA gridded products dedicated to Arctic Ocean have been extended as follows:

  • SARAL : 2019/08/24
  • CryoSat2 : 2019/04/24
  • Sentinel3A : 2019/05/01
  • Multimission: 2019/04/29

The files are available on the FTP server via your personal space MY AVISO+

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